  • 期刊


A Comparison of Household Expenditure by Tenure Choice-Taiwan Evidence


一般而言,房屋占家庭總資產的比例頗高,購買房屋往往成為家計部門的重要決策,因此,購屋決策對於家計部門其他消費支出必然產生影響。尤其是受到民國76年至78年房價飆漲的影響,購屋的財務負擔更加沈重。因此,我們除了分析在租、擁決策下,對家計單位消費支出的影響外,並同時關心不同年齡層户長之家計單位在租、擁行為決策下,消費支出行為的差異。 本文假定住宅權屬的選擇影響到家計部門的消費支出,亦即隱含住宅權屬選擇應是一個内生的行為。利用行政院主計處民國82年「個人所得分配調查」原始磁帶以SAS軟體進行PROBIT及多元迴歸分析,獲得以下結果。第一,在消費支出百分比上,租屋户在傢俱及家庭設備、醫療保健及運輸交通及娛樂幾項上顯著低於擁屋户。另外,擁屋者在房租、傢俱、醫療、教育、交通及娛樂等項的所得彈性較高,而租屋者在外伙食、衣著的所得彈性較高,在食品支出、家事管理上則擁屋、租屋在不同年龄層互有高低。顯示就整體而言,擁屋户較租屋户生活穩定,因此願意將所得配置在增進全家生活品質的消費上;而租屋户則較重視生活便利性及個人性的消費支出。 以年齡層來看,娛樂、教育及醫療是傾向於在中年層有顯著的不同,而擁屋者在這三項支出所得彈性均較高。衣著及家事管理是傾向於在年輕層有顯著的不同,且均是租屋者所得彈性較高。這些差異應可初步證實我們的假設:在高房價之下,對購屋不久的年輕人而言,負擔相對較重,會儘量節撙支出;對購屋時間較久的中年人而言,則負擔相對較輕,傾向於消費較多。綜合以上的分析可以得知,租、擁決策的確是影響家計部門消費支出的重要因素。


Becoming a homeowner means that a household's financial planning will be significantly affected for many years into the future. Hence, it definitely affects the pattern of consumption of other goods, with the result that the effect will be felt differently in different stages of the life-cycle. To find out exactly how and to what extent tenure choice affect consumption patterns in Taiwan, this paper unilizes data form the government conducted ”Household Income and Expenditure Survery” of 1993.The results show that homeowners have a higher income elasticity in their expenditure on imputed rent, furniture, health related items, education, transportation and entertainment, while renters have a higher income elasticity in their expenditure on eating out and clothing. This finding indicates that, in general, homeowners are willing to spend more on items that improve the quality of life for the whole family, while renters are willing to spend more on items that enhance individual welfare and convenience. In terms of age groups, the results show that in the middle-aged group, homeowners have a higher income elasticity in their expenditure on entertainment, education and health, while in the younger groups, renters have a higher income elasticity in their expenditure on clothing and household management.


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