  • 學位論文

食物豐富度與河烏(Cinclus pallasii)繁殖表現和族群密度的相關性

Relationship between food abundance and reproductive performance and population density of brown dipper Cinclus pallasii

指導教授 : 孫元勳


河烏(Cinclus pallasii)以水棲昆蟲為主食,是溪流品質的指標物種,其棲地專一性高且相對容易量化,很適合做為食物量和繁殖關聯的研究素材。2013-2014年在大甲溪上游進行研究,各找到9與18個河烏巢。調查發現,淺瀨的大型水棲昆蟲密度和生物量均高於淺灘,且河烏偏好的毛翅目幼蟲,在淺瀨的密度也較高。核心覓食區淺瀨水棲昆蟲總量越高的溪段,河烏產卵日較早、窩卵數較多、離巢幼鳥數較多,領域長度也較短。同一溪段,年間水棲昆蟲數量減少27%以上的河烏巢,不是繁殖表現持平就是變差。比較起來,七家灣溪與有勝溪下游的河烏密度最高,河烏密度與單位溪段內水棲昆蟲總量呈正相關。綜合言之,淺瀨面積大小可作為河烏棲地品質的指標。


Brown dipper (Cinclus pallasii), preying largely on aquatic insects, is an indicator species of stream quality. As a habitat specialist along with the nature of being easy to count in number, the bird became an ideal target to look into the relationship between food abundance and breeding performance. During 2013-1014, I conducted my study at the upper section of Taichia Stream where the density and biomass of large aquatic insects, like Trichoptera, the dippers’ favorite, was higher at riffle areas than at shallow water. I investigated 9 and 18 dipper nests in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Dippers inhabiting in stream section with higher density of aquatic insects appeared to lay egg earlier, lay more eggs, have more young fledged, and occupy shorter territory. The breeding performance did not change or become poorer at the same section in year when prey abundance was reduced by more than 27%. By comparison, Chi-Cha-Wan Stream and downstream You-Sheng Stream had highest density of brown dipper. In conclusion, area site of riffle can be used as an indicator of the dipper’s habitat quality.


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曾建閔(2015)。武陵地區河烏(Cinclus pallasii)的巢位選擇〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2015.00275
