  • 學位論文


Investigation Estrogen Concentrations in Liquid and Solid Phases in Swine Wastewater Treatment Plants

指導教授 : 葉桂君


內分泌干擾物質的污染越來越受到關注,此類化合物存在於世界各地的水環境中,密集式動物飼養業為天然雌激素主要的排放源,未有效經過處理的畜牧廢水,其雌激素濃度足以誘發水中生物的卵黃前質,導致性變異的情況發生,這些情況會造成嚴重的生態問題。 本研究為探討雌激素在養豬場不同處理單元之間各物種(E1、E2、E3、E1-3S、E2-3S、E1-3G、E2-3G、EE2、DES)的濃度變化,本研究發現,各物種雌激素在養豬場處理單元分佈濃度範圍變異很大,在水相雌激素部分E1佔平均總雌激素47.4 %、E2佔5.7 %、E3佔37.3 %、EE2佔0.3 %、DES佔2.3 %、E1-3S佔0.4 %、E2-3S佔3.6 %、E1-3G佔2.3 %、E2-3G佔2.3 %,污泥部分E1佔平均總雌激素93.1%,很明顯地E1不論是在水相或固相,E1佔最大比例而且這種情況在固相更高。 在不同處理單元,雌激素濃度分布也不同,P1養豬場從調勻池到厭氧發酵池有持續降低的情況,而在P2、P3養豬場會在厭氧發酵池急遽的上升,但之後又下降。不同養豬場自由態的總雌激素濃度一定會比結合態雌激素還高而且結合態雌激素佔低於偵測極限的比例居多。養豬場污泥與水之E1分配係數Kd值介於90 - 17771 L/kg(平均值為4170 L/kg)、E2介於125-1125 L/kg(平均值388 L/kg) 、E3介於6 - 1600 L/kg(平均值474 L/kg),養豬場放流水每隻日排放量E1介於12.6 - 26.2 µg/day/頭、E2介於0.6 - 0.7 µg/day/頭、E3介於5.0-10.4 µg/day/頭。


Natural and synthetic estrogenic steroidal hormones have produced widespread concern because these compounds can adversely affect numerous animal endocrine systems at extremely low concentrations. One of major sources of estrogenic chemicals is receiving water affected by concentrated animal feedlot operations (CAFOs). When the improperly treated wastewater from CAFOs, containing high concentration of estrogen, discharges into receiving water can interrupt the endocrine system and generate reproductive abnormalities in wildlife. In this study, the concentrations of various estrogens species (E1, E2, E3, E1-3S, E2-3S, E1-3G, E2-3G, EE2, and DES) were investigated in different treatment processes of pig farms wastewater treatment plants. The results showed that estrogen concentration were highly variation between species and treatment processes. In aqueous phase, the rations to total estrogen concentration were 47.4% for E1, 37.3% for E3, 5.7% for E2, 0.3% for EE2, 2.3% for DES, 0.4% for E1-3S, 3.6% for E2-3S, 2.3% for E1-3G, and 2.3% for E2-3G. In sludge, the mean concentration of E1 accounted for 93.1% of total estrogen concentration that clearly demonstrated E1 was the persistent and final product of natural estrogen. The concentration of estrogen in treatment processes had different ratio, the estrogen. The concentrations decreased from equalization tank to anaerobic process in P1 pig farm, but the concentrations increased rapidly in anaerobic process then decreased in P2 and P3 pig farms. The concentrations of free estrogen were much higher than conjugated estrogens, and concentrations of conjugated estrogen were below the detection limit in most of samples.The mean partition coefficient(Kd) of estrogens in separated plants between water and sludge were ranged from 90.1 to 17771 L/kg(average value 4170 L/kg) for E1, 125 to 1125 L/kg (average value 388 L/kg) for E2 and from 5.93 to 1600 L/kg(average value 474 L/kg) for E3.The estrogens E1 daily discharge was estimated between 12.6 and 26.2 µg/day/head, from 12.6 to 26.2 µg/day/head for E2, from 5.0 to 10.4 µg/day/head for E3.


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