  • 學位論文


The Study of Market Position and Marketing Mix Strategies of Short-term Junior High Cram Schools in Pingtung City

指導教授 : 吳雅玲 博士


本研究以屏東市五位優質國中文理短期補習班負責人為研究對象,採質性研究法,針對主題進行深入訪談,探討屏東市國中文理短期補習班之市場定位依據與內容、行銷組合策略內容及兩者之關係。 本研究的研究結果如下: (一)補習班運用五種行銷組合策略,但以產品策略及人員策略作為補習班主打策略。 (二)補習班定位使用產品屬性及利益定位,來建立補習班在消費者 心目中良好的地位與形象。產品屬性定位上有學生學測成績優良及獨 門的教學輔導策略;利益定位上有人員專業親切的態度。 (三)補習班在補教市場上是先有定位,而後再訂定行銷策略以達成 目標。他們用產品屬性定位及利益定位來訂定產品及人員策略,同時 補習班經營者他們的部分定位方法在行銷組合中,亦是重要的行銷核 心策略。 研究者綜合本研究之結論與發現,提供以下幾點建議: (一)針對屏東縣文理類短期補習班進行量化研究,將可搜集到更多 更豐富的資料,使得本研究的結果更加完整。 (二)比較文理類及技藝類之定位及行銷組合策略的差異性,應該會 更具有研究價值。 (三)國中文理補習班必要的定位是學生學測成績優良及人員專業親切 的態度,除此之外,增加其他定位方法來建立在消費者心中突出的 地位,來提升服務價值,在經營成效上可能會有明顯提升。 (四)五位優質國中文理短期補習班負責人,他們在補習市場上有明 確的定位與實施有效行銷組合策略以達成補習班經營目標,他們的定 位依據與內容,以及其所用的行銷組合策略內容,應是值得未來國中 文理補習班的經營者作為參考依據。


Abstract Student ID:N9770016 Title of Thesis:The Study of market position and marketing mix strategies of Short-term Junior High Cram Schools in Pingtung City Total Pages:90pages National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate Institute: Graduate Institude of Technological and Vocational Education Date of Graduation:June, 2010/6/29 Degree Conferred:Master Name of Institude:Jeng-Fang Wu Advisor:Dr. Ya-Ling Wu Abstract: This research studies five excellent managers in charge Language & Science short-term junior high cram schools in Pingtung City. It adopts qualitative analysis with deep interview according to the topic, and explores the market positioning basis, the marketing mix strategies,and the relationship between both as well. The results of this study are: 1. Crams schools utilize 5 marketing mix strategies, but mainly focuses on the product strategy and personnel strategy. 2. To make their good impression on their customers, cram schools use both attribute positioning and benefit positioning. The first one includes students’ excellent grades ing the BC test and specific teaching strategies of the cram schools. The second one includes the staff’s professional and friendly attitude. 3.Crams schools have market positioning first and then make up marketing mix strategies to reach their goals. They use product attribute positioning and benefit positioning to make up product and personnel strategies, while managers’ partial positioning methods are also a crucial marketing core strategy. Combining the conclusion and findings of this study, the researcher provides some suggestions below: 1. Implementing quantitive analysis with focusing on Language & Science short-term junior high cram schools in Pingtung County will be able to gain more plentiful data to make the result of this study more complete. 2. This future study can explore the differences in the positioning and marketing mix strategies of Language & Science cram schools and techniqual ones section are compared. 3. The essential positionings of Language & Scinece junior high cram schools are students’ excellent grades in the BC test and the professional and friendly attitude of staff in the cram schools. Besides, the managing effects could be obviously promoted by increasing other positioning methods to make customers’ specific impressions to promote service value. 4. Five in Language & Science short-term junior high cram schools excellent managers have definite market positioning, and they use effective marketing mix strategies to reach the goals of their cram schools. Their positioning basis, and their marketing mix strategies might be referential basis for those who will manage Language & Science cram schools in the future. Keywords: cram schools、market positioning、marketing mix strategies


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