  • 學位論文


Effect of Organic Farming on Banana Growth, Post-harvest Quality and Soil Environmental Characteristics

指導教授 : 薩支高


香蕉有機栽培之管理方法已有相當之經驗累積,惟對有機香蕉生育、蕉果品質及蕉園土壤品質之學術資料仍極有限。為了提供具體資訊,確立有機農法在香蕉生產上具有穩定土壤品質、增加收益、永續產業經營等優勢,遂進行相關研究。因此,本研究之目的在探討宿根及吸芽苗蕉株之有機栽培管理對香蕉生育、蕉果品質及蕉園土壤特性之影響,以作為香蕉園採行與推動有機農法管理之依據。分別從蕉株發育、養份含量、黃葉病罹病情形、產量與後熟特性、蕉果品質、風味品評及土壤環境品質等項目上,和慣行栽培蕉園進行比較。 1. 「蕉研所」有機蕉園之研究 1.1 蕉株發育 ‘北蕉’有機栽培之宿根及吸芽苗蕉株株高、莖周、果把數及果指數等園藝性狀均優於慣行栽培蕉株,‘台蕉二號’、‘寶島蕉’及‘台蕉6號’之有機栽培和慣行栽培蕉株間則無差異。以大蒜辣椒米醋液進行有機栽培蕉株之葉片黑星病防治,其效果未能達到慣行栽培管理之水準。 1.2 葉片養分含量 施用棕櫚灰可提高有機栽培宿根苗蕉株和吸芽苗蕉株在抽穗期之葉片鉀含量。有機栽培蕉株之氮及鈣鎂含量大多較慣行栽培蕉株低。有機栽培蕉株葉片中之鐵、錳、銅及鋅等微量元素含量均在「正常」範圍內。 1.3 黃葉病之發生 有機栽培區之黃葉病罹病率明顯較慣行栽培區低(十年來有機栽培區之黃葉病罹病率由0.57%升至25.5%,慣行栽培區從16.7%升至63.1%),顯示蕉園採行有機農法管理,可大幅抑制香蕉黃葉病病原菌對蕉株根系之侵犯。品種間之黃葉病罹病率以耐病品種‘寶島蕉’最低,其次為感病品種‘台蕉二號’、‘台蕉6號’及‘北蕉’。 1.4 產量及後熟特性 有機栽培區蕉株之黃葉病罹病率較慣行栽培區低,採收株數相對較多,單位面積產量大幅增加,可有效提高有機蕉農的收益。有機栽培‘寶島蕉’之轉色速率較慣行栽培蕉略慢。有機栽培吸芽苗‘北蕉’、‘台蕉二號’及‘台蕉6號’之果肉可溶性固形物含量顯著較慣行栽培蕉為高。 2. 「蕉研所」有機蕉園和農民有機蕉園之研究 2.1 蕉果品質 有機栽培管理可提高夏、秋兩季所生產‘北蕉’、‘寶島蕉’之果肉強度(穿刺阻力),改善口感品質,且可提升‘北蕉’秋蕉及‘寶島蕉’冬蕉之可溶性固形物含量。 2.2 官能品評 有機栽培‘北蕉’尖尾夏蕉之口感、秋蕉、花龍蕉、白皮春蕉及夏蕉之甜度和花龍蕉之香氣及口感優於慣行栽培香蕉。有機栽培在提升‘北蕉’口感、甜度及香氣等風味之效果優於‘寶島蕉’。 2.3 土壤環境品質 有機栽培對蕉園土壤品質有下列正面效果:(1) 增加有機質、微生物生質碳及微生物生質氮含量;(2) 降低土壤總體密度,增加土壤孔隙度;(3) 增加土壤微生物之密度;(4) 增加土壤團粒穩定度;(5) 穩定有機栽培土壤之酸鹼值。 整體而言,有機栽培管理之香蕉生產具有以下優勢和劣勢: 優勢: (1) 緩和蕉園土壤物理、化學及(微)生物品質之劣變,恢復蕉園土壤地力,符合土壤保育之基本管理原則。 (2) 大幅降低蕉園黃葉病罹病率,提高香蕉產量,永續台灣香蕉產業。 (3) 有機香蕉之單價高,可增加蕉農收益,提升農民植蕉意願。 (4) 提升蕉果甜度、香味及口感等後熟品質,符合消費者對香蕉之鮮食訴求。 (5) 與化學農藥絕緣,是生活安心與身體健康之保障。 劣勢: (1) 初期所需之人工及資材等管理成本較高。 (2) 病蟲害管理之成效較差,特別是葉部之黑星病防治。 (3) 香蕉生育期延長。 (4) 有機香蕉之銷售通道尚未健全,是蕉農植蕉意願之最大障礙。


The objectives of this study were to analyze the information on the growth, post-harvest quality of organic ratooned and suckered bananas, and the soil quality of organic banana orchards, in order to release useful evidences to banana growers for the adoption and extension of organic farming in sustainable banana business. Compared results between organic and conventional farmings adopted in the TBRI Farm and farmers’ farms could be summarized from the respects of plant development, leaf nutrient content, Fusarium wilt incidence, yield and post-harvest characteristics, fruit quality, sensory test, and soil physical, chemical, and microbiological qualities as follows. 1. TBRI Farm 1.1 Plant development The plant height, plant girth and total numbers of hand and finger of banana were significantly higher in organic ‘Pei-Chiao’ than in the conventional one, however, there were no significant differences for ‘Tai-Chiao No.2’, ‘Formosana’, and ‘Tai-Chiao No. 6’. Leaf protection practice against leaf freckle disease using vinegar solution of garlic and hot pepper was not as effective as chemical fungicide. 1.2 Leaf nutrient contents Palm ash was a good source to supply potassium to sucker and ratooned bananas. Nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium contents were all lower in the organic plant leaf than in the conventional plant leaf. All of the micronutrient contents in both planting systems were in the range of ‘sufficiency’. 1.3 Fusarium wilt incidence The incidence rate of Fusarium wilt for the organic banana was markedly lower as compared to the conventional banana, i.e. 0.57% ~ 25.5% for the organic banana vs. 16.7% ~ 63.1% for the conventional banana in the last 10 years, indicating that organic farming effectively inhibited the infection by the pathogen of Fusarium wilt in banana orchards. Incidence rate of Fusarium wilt was lowest with ‘Formosana’, and ‘Tai-Chiao No. 2’, ‘Tai-Chiao No. 6’, and ‘Pei-Chiao’ in ascending order. 1.4 Yield and post-harvest characteristics Owing to the lower incidence rate of Fusarium wilt in the organic banana orchard, more banana bunches harvested contributing to a higher yield increases farmer's profits from growing organic bananas in return. Organic ‘Formosana’ was slightly slower in the peel discoloration. A significantly higher total soluble solids of banana pulp was found in the organic suckered Pei-Chiao’, ‘Tai-Chiao No.2’, ‘Tai-Chiao No.6’, but not in the ratooned bananas. 2. TBRI Farm and farmers’ farms 2.1 Fruit quality Organic management practices promote the tasting quality of bananas by increasing the pulp strength (penetration resistance) of Summer and Autumn bananas of ‘Pei-Chiao’ and ‘Formosana’,. Organic management practices also promoted the total soluble solids of Autumn ‘Pei-Chiao’ and winter ‘Formosana’. 2.2 Sensory test Statistical analysis of scores from sensory rating scale test on the mouthfeel of Summer bananas, the sweetness of Autumn, Hualoong, Spring, and Summer bananas, and the aroma and mouthfeel of Hualoong of organic ‘Pei-Chiao’ showed better results than those of conventional bananas. The effect of organic farming on the promotion of the sweetness, aroma, and mouthfeel of bananas was greater in ‘Pei-Chiao’ than in ‘Formosana’. 2.3 Soil environmental quality Organic farming had the following positive effects on soil environmental quality, which then favor the growth of banana, by (1) increasing organic matter, microbial biomass carbon, and microbial biomass nitrogen in soil. (2) lowering soil bulk density, and increasing soil porosity. (3) increasing the population density of Fusarium wilt pathogen, actinomycetes, bacteria, fungi, free non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria and calcium phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in soil. (4) increasing water stable aggregates of soil. (5) less tendency in soil pH drop. In general, organic management practices adopted in banana orchards offered the following advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: (1) Organic farming alleviates the worsening of soil physical, chemical, and microbial quality, and recovers soil fertility. It is the farming system which meets the management principles of soil conservation. (2) Organic farming apparently lowers Fusarium wilt incidence of bananas, and increases banana yield. (3) Organic farming sustains Taiwan banana business by encouraging farmers’ willingness in growing bananas. (4) Consumers pay a premium price for organic bananas in market, and banana growers receive higher profits from growing organic bananas. (5) Organic farming promotes the sweetness, aroma, and mouthfeel of bananas, which meet consumer’s request for quality bananas. (6) Organic farming rejects harmful chemicals and offers insurances of living with ease and good health. Disadvantages: (1) Organic farming requires higher input in labor and material cost. (2) Organic farming is less efficient in disease and pest control, especially in leaf freckle disease. (3) Organic banana has a longer growth period than conventional banana. (4) Failure in the establishment of sales channel for organic bananas is the largest obstacle to the acreage expansion in organic bananas.


organic farming sensory test Musa quality Fusarium wilt


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