  • 學位論文


Coping Strategies about the Dualism of the Land and the Buildings — Focus On “Integration”

指導教授 : 顏佑紘


於我國立法模式下,建物與土地乃是屬於獨立之所有權客體。非如同德國法下,房屋建築物僅是土地所有權的一部分。我國此種立法模式即可稱為「二元主義」。於二元主義下,由於建物與土地可能歸屬於不同人所有,建物構成無權占有而遭請求拆屋還地之紛爭即層出不窮。如何確保建物存續於土地之上,維護社會經濟之公益,即屬於重要之議題。 面對上述問題,立法者其實設計了一系列之規範以及制度,加以因應。這一系列規範以及制度乃是以「一體性」作為核心主軸。其中又可以分為「處分一體性」以及「歸屬一體性」。兩者之規範角度以及層面有所不同。 處分一體性係從讓與過程中加以規範,規定建物與土地,或者建物與利用權利必須一起處分,以達成受讓建物之人必定同時取得利用權利之目的。本論文於第三章分析相關處分一體性之相關規定,並且盡可能擴大此一原則之適用。另外本文也加以主張應以「處分一體性」之角度思考民法第426條之1規定以及不動產役權與需役不動產的關係。 歸屬一體性則是著重於讓與之結果,透過法律規定以及優先承買權制度,使建物所有人於讓與結果上,取得土地所有權或者利用權利。民法第426條之2以及土地法第104條及屬於此種規範目的的優先承買權。此種規範目的的法律規定適例即屬民法第425條之1、民法第838條之1與民法第876條。於探討上述優先承買權時,本文也盡可能地擴大優先承買權的適用範圍。但也非一味擴大,如本文即認為使用借貸契約中的借用人不得主張。於探討歸屬一體性法條時,本文除了先論述此些規定的適用基礎。接下來再介紹最重要的構成要件「同屬一人」,分析實務曾經產生爭議的各種類型,探討是否該當構成要件。並且於最後主張,應將三法條合併為一,以減少適用上的困擾。


In Taiwan’s law, buildings and land are both independent real estate objects, which is not like German law. In German law, buildings are the component of land. We can also call Taiwan’s legal structures “dualism”. Under dualism, the ownership of land and buildings may belong to different person and it leads that disputes between the ownership of buildings and land because of the claims for removal and restitution from land’s owner. It is a vital issue that how to make sure the ownership of buildings acquire the legally right so that it could prevent social economy from injury. Taiwan’s legal structure includes a series of regulations, which are aim to solve the issues we mentioned above. These regulations could be summarized into one concept “Principle of Integration”, disposition of integration and ownership of integration included. Two sub-principles have their own effect respectively. Disposition of integration plays a role in the process of disposition, enforcing that buildings and land or right, which is the basis for the building’s owner to use the land shall not transfer separately. This principle could achieve the goal that transferee of the building has the legally right to take the possession of the land. The third chapter of this thesis introduce and deal with the regulations related to Disposition of integration, considering that this principle shall extend scope of application. Furthermore, this thesis also believe that Article 426-1 of the Taiwanese Civil Code and servitude of real property are likewise the instances of disposition of integration. Ownership of integration plays a role in the result of disposition. With the right of first refusal in building site lease contract and regulations, transferee of the building could acquire ownership of land or right, which is the basis for the building’s owner to use the land. Article 426-2 of the Taiwanese Civil Code and Article 104 of the Land Act are the instances of the right of first refusal in building site lease contract. The regulating purpose of Article 425-1, Article 838-1, and Article876 of the Taiwanese Civil Code is exactly ownership of integration. Discussing the right of first refusal in building site lease contract, this thesis believes that this right of first refusal shall extend scope of application but not blindly. By way of illustration, this thesis consider that borrower of the land loan contract cannot claim this right of first refusal. Dealing with the regulations related to the ownership of integration, first of all, the thesis induces the basis for application. Afterwards this paper introduces the element “owned by the same person”, analyzing a wild variety of controversial cases which were decided by the court and proposing whether they fulfill the element or not. Last but not least, this thesis claim that legislators shall amend Civil Code, merging 3 regulations into 1.


一、 中文文獻(依作者姓氏筆劃順序排列)
(一) 書籍
1. 王澤鑑(2003),《民法物權第二冊:用益物權・占有》,作者自刊。
2. 內政部(2021),《土地登記審查手冊》,修訂版。
3. 史尚寬(1963),《物權法論》,再版,作者自刊。
