  • 學位論文


Dynamic changes of cellular immunity in HBsAg-positive renal allograft recipients under immunosuppressive agents and nucleoside analogues

指導教授 : 林明燦 江伯倫 蔡孟昆


B型肝炎帶原接受腎臟移植病患須終身服用免疫抑制劑, 因此增加肝細胞癌以及肝臟相關併發症的發生率。口服抗病毒藥物lamivudine已被證實具有短期的好處。我們想進一步了解長期服用lamivudine是否能降低肝細胞癌以及其他併發症發生率。我們分析了26名 B型肝炎帶原接受腎臟移植病患預防性服用lamivudine (Group 1) 以及28名因移植後B型肝炎復發接受治療性 lamivudine 的B型肝炎帶原接受腎臟移植病患 (Group 2), 以及43名過去接受腎臟移植之B型肝炎帶原病患未接受lamivudine 治療 (Group 3)。分析結果Group 1 病患無任何一名發生肝細胞癌或肝臟相關併發症, 在Group 2 和Group 3的10年肝細胞癌發生率分別為4.2 和 34 %。進一步分析發現10年的病患以及移植腎臟存活率在Group 1及Group 2皆明顯高於Group 3。然而, 肝臟相關併發症發生率在Group 2 和 Group 3皆明顯高於 Group 1。比較起Group 2病患, Group 1病患明顯降低lamivudine抗藥性突變的發生率。 腎臟安全性是B型肝炎帶原接受腎臟移植病患選擇抗病毒藥物的重要考量之一。我們設計執行了一個前瞻性隨機分配臨床試驗計畫,預計收案腎臟移植術後服用lamivudine超過六個月病患以 1:2方式隨機分配至持續使用 lamivudine 或改服用telbivudine 並追蹤觀察24 個月腎臟功能變化情形。然而此計畫卻因telbivudine組別高比例出現臨床肌肉痛而提早終止。進一步分析已收案的17名病患發現4名持續服用lamivudine在追蹤24個月後比起收案時有腎臟功能降低的情形, 而服用telbivudine病患在追蹤24個月後觀察到腎臟功能提升, 然而這樣的差別並未達到統計學上顯著差異。 B型肝炎帶原接受腎臟移植病患體內的細胞性免疫反應是複雜的而且跟預後息息相關。我們抽血B型肝炎帶原末期腎病病患 (Group A), B型肝炎帶原接受腎臟移植病患同時服用免疫抑制劑與抗病毒藥物 (Group B) 以及病患服用免疫抑制劑卻無服用抗病毒藥物 (Group C), 定量B型肝炎專一性CD8+ T 細胞, 發現Groups B 和 Group C有較高的細胞型免疫反應 (較低的控制型T (Treg)/CD8+ T 細胞比值) 。由於Group B病患同時服用抗排斥藥物與抗病毒藥物測不出病毒量, 病患體內的CD8+ T 細胞與B型肝炎專一性CD8+ T 細胞數量和Groups A 相近。 Group C 病患因無服用抗病毒藥物因此體內能偵測到上升的病毒含量, 也因此有較高的 B型肝炎專一性CD8+ T 細胞以及IFN-γ分泌。 B型肝炎帶原接受腎臟移植病患須終身服用免疫抑制劑與抗病毒藥物, 因B型肝炎專一性CD8+ T 細胞功能失調, 體內會有較多的病毒複製。也因為B型肝炎帶原接受腎臟移植病患因體內有較高的細胞型免疫反應因此容易在病毒複製時造成較大的肝臟損傷及病變, 我們希望未來能更透徹研究出相關機轉及可能的臨床應用。


Among hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive renal allograft recipients, post-transplant immunosuppression is associated with the occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver-related complications. Lamivudine has proven beneficial in short-term post-transplant follow-up. We first investigated whether lamivudine is beneficial in reducing both the occurrence of HCC and long-term complication rates among HBsAg-positive renal allograft recipients. We analyzed 26 adult HBsAg positive renal allograft recipients received lamivudine prophylaxis (Group 1-1) and another 28 patients received therapeutic lamivudine (Group 2) due to post-transplant hepatitis B reactivation (Between 2000 and 2009). The historical control group included 43 HBsAg-positive renal allograft recipients who did not receive lamivudine therapy (Group 3). In the series, no subjects in Group 1 presented HCC or liver related complications and the 10-year HCC incidence of Group 2 and Group 3was 4.2 and 34 %, respectively. Furthermore, the HCC-free survival rates as well as the 10-year patient and graft survival rates of Group 1-1 and Group 2 were significantly higher than those of Group 3. However, the rates of liver-related complications and graft rejection of Group 2 and Group 3were both higher than those of Group 1. Additionally, the HBV mutation-free rate of lamivudine was significantly higher in Group 1 than in Group 2. Renal safety is an important factor when selecting the most appropriate NA treatment for HBsAg-positive renal allograft recipients. We then conducted a prospective randomized clinical trial (RCT), HBsAg-positive renal transplant recipients who had received lamivudine prophylaxis for at least 6 months were 1:2 randomized to receive either lamivudine or telbivudine for another 24 months. Renal function was evaluated by creatinine level and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at the time of randomization (baseline), 6, 12, 18, and 24 months respectively. However, this RCT was prematurely terminated after recruiting only 17 patients due to a high incidence (61.5%; 8/13) of clinical myalgia in the telbivudine group. Cox’s proportional hazards model revealed that there was no independent predictor of myalgia. Based on intention-to-treat and per protocol analyses using generalized estimating equations, the patients in the randomized telbivudine group had a significantly increased eGFR and the patients in the lamivudine group had a significantly decreased eGFR at the end of follow-up compared to the values at study enrollment. However, there was no significant difference between the lamivudine and telbivudine groups. The cellular immune responses of HBsAg-positive renal transplantation recipients taking immunosuppressants and nucleotide analogues (NAs) are complex and related to the prognosis. We collected blood samples from HBsAg-positive individuals with end-stage renal disease on the transplant waiting list (Group A) and renal transplantation recipients taking immunosuppressants and NAs (Group B) or immunosuppressants without NAs (Group C). Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-specific pentamers were used to quantify circulating HBV-specific CD8+ T cells. Groups B and C had higher cellular immune responses, as indicated by significantly lower regulatory T (Treg)/CD8+ T cell ratios than Group A. With undetectable viral loads under both immunosuppressant and NAs, the CD8+ T cell and HBV-specific CD8+ T cell frequencies were similar in Group B and Group A. Patients in Group C did not use NAs and had an elevated viral load and higher HBV-specific CD8+ T cell and IFN-g-producing HBV-specific CD8+ T cell. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive renal transplantation recipients must take lifelong immunosuppressants and nucleotide analogues (NAs). Immunosuppressant therapy increases viral replication in HBsAg-positive renal transplant recipients due to disabling or dysregulation of virus-specific CD8+ T cells. The higher cellular immune responses due to lower Treg/CD8+ T cell ratios in HBsAg-positive renal transplant recipients may be one of the reasons to induce liver pathology because of uncontrolled viral replication. We will investigate the underlying mechanism and clinical applications.


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