  • 學位論文


The Intimacy and Boundary Work among the Participants of the “318 Occupy Congress ”: A Preliminary Exploration

指導教授 : 李明璁 周嘉辰


本研究以「三一八立法院佔領行動」為研究對象,進一步聚焦在運動參與者的親密關係變化敘事。透過敘事研究和女性主義方法論兩種對研究的基本信仰,以及敘事、文本分析和深度訪談的研究方法,來觀察在這場運動中,參與者經歷了怎樣的劃界行動。並且經由運動中對於人際還有公�私領域的劃界,重新調整私人關係裡的劃界實作。 在研究中發現,人際的劃界在運動中經常出現,不同的親密關係型態涉及了不同的劃界調整,劃界的鬆緊也和不同的群體認同有關。當關乎不同群體的時候,劃界也會因此有所變化。運動中的人際和群體劃界,在參與者的敘事和文本當中都曾經出現。這些劃界如果進一步的細看,會發現還有公�私領域劃界的成分存在。公�私領域的劃界在運動場域中不斷出現,運動中的衝突和策略都和這件事情有關。 在經過了對劃界和公�私領域的討論之後,筆者發現,公�私領域之間的界線是會因為不同的參與者、不同的情境而改變的。界線雖然模糊,但並非不存在,而是用一種不斷移動的方式在進行著。而這樣的界線挪移經驗,透過參與者的運動經驗而成為他們生命故事的一部分。


This study focused on”318 Occupy Congress” with focus on the participants intimacy narrative. The methods of narrative and feminist research are the foundation of the study. Narrative, textual analyses and in-depth interview s are utilized to observe the public-private split which the participants have experienced in the Movement. The interpersonal boundary works and public/private split experienced in the Movement have the participants readjust the boundary works in their personal relationships. In the study, it is found that interpersonal boundary work happens often in movements. Boundary works, which are related to communities’ identity, vary among different intimacies. Interpersonal and intergroup boundary works during the Movement are embodied in participants’ narrative and the text. With a closer look at the boundary works, it is found that there are also boundary works between public and private spheres which recurred in the Movement and led to conflicts and strategies taken during the Movement. With discussions of boundary works and public/private spheres, it is found that the boundaries between the public/private spheres vary among different participants and situations. The existing boundaries, which are blurry and ever-changing, were experienced by the participants and have become a part of their life story.


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