  • 學位論文


Doomed to Collapse? An Analysis of Japanese China Critics' Perspectives And The Origins of Their Ideas during Second Abe Cabinet

指導教授 : 張登及


本研究以2012-2014年期間「嫌中本」出版最盛時期Amazon Japan暢銷書籍排行榜上五本日籍作家的中國相關書籍作為文本分析對象,探討文本立論的觀念基礎、背後所隱含日本近代至今的思想線索,以及這些思想觀念在歷史時空中的形成與變遷。研究問題包含:一、文本對「中國」概念、及中國國家、民族、歷史的理解與批判;二、文本描繪的現代中國社會與中國人像,及此負面描寫的意義;三、文本及著者對日中之間歷史的認識。 研究結果顯示,「嫌中本」出版潮裡的中國批判論反映近代以前即存在的日本優越意識,並延續日本近代化以來蔑視中國之心理,且90年代以來每逢日中關係緊張的時期形成數波日本出版界的中國相關書籍出版潮。這些中國論透過切割古典中國與現代中國、或以西方價值為標準、或凸顯日本自身相對優秀特質,而對現代中國進行各方面之批判,形塑日本相對優越之地位,以緩解面對中國崛起之危機感。因此,本研究藉由上述分析釐清「嫌中」一詞之具體內涵及對象範圍,並依其背後的日本優越意識之不同憑藉而區分「嫌中論」的三種理念類型,分別為:儒家道德優越型、西方價值優越型,以及自國固有優越型。


This article adopts five best-selling China-related books, written by Japanese China critics and published during 2012-2014 when “Ken-chu-hon” boomed in Japanese publication industry, as the major analysis texts. To penetrate the implicit ideas and values in these literatures and the emergence and changes of these thoughts across Japanese history, this thesis is formulated in three sections: First, how the mentioned texts judge and criticize the concepts of “chu-goku”, its history and nationhood. Second, how they narrate the modern Chinese society and people. Last, the critiques and the authors’ understanding of the history between Japan and China. The result shows that the criticism on China in “ken-chu-hon” boom reflects the ethnocentrism which has been present since early modern Japan, and reproducing the despising-China sentiment from Meiji Restoration. This complex towards China provokes booming publication of China-related books in Japan when the bilateral relationship goes down since 1990s. By separating modern China from ancient China , taking Western values as standards, or stressing the superior features in Japanese society and culture, the criticism on modern China shapes Japan’s relatively superior status to the former, and thus moderate the threaten feeling resulted from its rising neighbor. Consequently, the purpose of the research conducted here is to crystallize the definition of “ken-chu”, and to categorize all the “ken-chu” discourses into three types: Confucian-moral superiority, Western-value superiority, Japanese-tradition superiority.


王德威,1993。〈「考掘學」與「宗譜學」―再論傅柯的歷史文化觀〉,收於傅柯(Michel Foucault)著,王德威譯,《知識的考掘》。臺北:麥田,頁39-66。
