  • 學位論文


The Impact of Crime News Coverage on Taiwan's Criminal Policy

指導教授 : 王皇玉


本文為一新聞學與法律學交錯領域之研究文本,以「媒體報導--閱聽大眾--刑事政策」三者的互動反饋為觀察對象,擬以探知犯罪報導是如何詮釋或轉譯犯罪事件真實,進而如何影響閱聽人對於法秩序與法感情之認知,及如何造成對於我國刑事政策的刺激與影響,作為本文之論述中心。 犯罪報導中呈現了何種真實與意識形態?本文發現,近年來國內媒體犯罪報導,普遍受到市場競爭下新聞商品化及感官主義形式報導影響,強調閱聽者視聽覺的感官刺激與娛樂性,大量使用故事劇情框架作為新聞敘事結構,具有強調二元對立的善惡衝突、著重集體情感的召喚與挑激、快速歸因與特定議題引導等特性。犯罪報導中所放置的犯罪與刑罰觀點,亦多建立於社會大眾的群起憤慨情緒上,透過嚴刑峻罰懲罰犯罪人並嚇阻犯罪,達到應報與預防犯罪之目的之呼求。 論及媒體對於閱聽大眾意見形塑的影響力,於個人意見層次上,社會大眾自媒體擇定的框架中理解問題,透過涵化作用、議題設定假設、議題建構等效果,媒體的符碼化訊息建構了閱聽大眾腦內的真實世界與價值觀,對於閱聽者的認知與情緒產生潛移默化的效果。於集體意見層次,在擬似思考、沉默螺旋效應、第三人認知效果的影響下,媒體犯罪報導對於犯罪與刑罰領域主流民意與輿論的形塑,有著深遠而具決定性的影響。 對於媒體犯罪報導影響下所形成的民意與輿論,係如何影響到我國刑事政策的演變之探討,本文發現,刑罰民粹主義近年來逐漸成為國內重要政治勢力,媒體報導與民眾意志引導了近年來我國刑事政策的走向,並推動刑事政策不斷走向輿論取向、現象立法,以及更加應報的嚴罰化與重刑化方向發展。此種刑事政策發展背後的推動者,為受商業利益所驅使的新聞製播產業,媒體以販賣感官刺激、販賣恐懼獲利,不斷產出高度情緒激擾的犯罪報導,引發出無法驗證的大眾情緒,最終走向情緒導向的司法改革,現代社會中的罪刑觀論述與刑事政策發展,實為媒體犯罪報導影響下之結果。


The analytic method introduced in this dissertation, which refers to the disciplines and subjects of jurisprudence and communication studies, is an inter-disciplinary study. This study intends to explore the interactive effects between crime news coverage, audience, and criminal policy by analyzing how crime news coverage interprets social reality and affects the values and cognitive models of the audience, and by investigating how crime news coverage impacts Taiwan's criminal policy. What kind of reality of crime and ideology does the crime news coverage reflect? This study concludes that in recent years domestic crime news coverage has been under the influence of news commodification and sensationalism. The market-driven news often emphasizes on lurid and sensational topics and predominantly uses storyboards and human interest news frames. With descriptions unfavorable to suspects, the concept of punitiveness is frequently presented in crime news coverage. The study also explores the effect of crime news coverage on the public attitudes toward punitiveness. Through cultivation, agenda setting hypothesis and agenda building, crime news coverage has a significant mediate effect on public’s impression of crime and punishment, including increasing the fear of crime and personal victimization and reinforcing support for punitive criminal policies. In addition, under the influence of pseudo-individualization, spiral of silence and third-person effect, public opinion on crime and legal punishment is affected substantially by news coverage. Furthermore, the effect of the media on public attitudes toward punitiveness has an impact on domestic legislatures with regards to the creation of criminal policy, and the impact has been strengthened by the rise of penal populism in Taiwan in recent years. With legislatures following public will, the crime coverage actually drives criminal policy. The study concludes that commercial pressures are affecting media news treatment of crime, and that the resulting coverage has a crucial part in forming public attitudes toward punitiveness, and ultimately, the criminal policy.


王宏忠(2012),〈政治意識及政治菁英的論述對於台灣民眾議題立場的影響 —對Zaller之主流效應及極化效應之檢證〉,《臺灣民主季刊》,第9卷第2期。
