  • 學位論文


Tort Damages Through the Lens of Feminism-the Example of Sexual Harassment in Workplace

指導教授 : 陳昭如 吳從周


民法侵權行為作為處理私人間損害賠償之重要途徑,一直被視為具有客觀及中立之性質,而與性別歧視、偏見及平等原則等概念無關,然而侵權行為的發生並非超然於現實之外,權利的侵害,時常與受害者之身分地位、所處的社會位置關係密切。本文嘗試跳脫傳統研究方法,從女性主義法學之角度出發,重新檢視工作場所性騷擾損害賠償訴訟於發展出之理論標準,以及侵權行為判決實務價值選擇中所存之性別偏見,並探究性別工作平等法之立法意旨,是否得改變我們對工作場所性騷擾侵權行為之理解。 美國女性主義學者採取批判法學方法研究侵權行為法,較傳統之分析方法更加重視社會脈絡,以及抽象法律爭議所存在的具體社會情境。本文藉由Martha Chamallas的女性主義侵權行為法研究,指出侵權行為相關訴訟事實上並非中性的,許多特定類型的訴訟,在法學發展上或實務提訴上與女性受害者相連,欲探討此類侵權行為訴訟之意義,必須對社會群體間之權力關係有所認識,始能完整的看見其樣貌。侵權行為法理論及實務論述,並非全然與性別無關的,例如美國實務在計算原告損害賠償時,多以性別的統計數據作為計算標準,使得歷史上勞動市場對於女性的不利益,透過損害賠償之計算更為鞏固,而美國侵權行為法關於傷害及損失的分類概念之建構,表面上看似中性,事實上卻將精神傷害、關係傷害,以及非經濟損失與女性相連,而對女性造成不利益之結果。工作場所性騷擾案例亦為一與女性密切相關之訴訟,美國工作場所性騷擾法律救濟途徑之發展,在民權法第七章制定以前,係由侵權行為法作為救濟途徑,惟侵權行為法卻有過於個人化、價值判斷道德傾向之問題,受到多數女性主義學者批判。而在聯邦最高法院認可工作場所性騷擾構成民權法第七章之違反後,Chamallas認以侵權行為法作為工作場所性騷擾救濟途徑仍具有意義,若將民權法原則納入侵權行為法之論述中,使之作為強化民權途徑,更能妥適處理工作場所性騷擾產生之問題。 延續著美國女性主義侵權行為研究分析,本文認為,我國工作場所性騷擾之發展與美國相當類似,在性別工作平等法施行以前,實務及學界多將性騷擾視為一種人格權侵犯,應歸屬於民法侵權行為處理,然而民事損害賠償判決,存在著無法全盤審視受害者所受之侵害及損害、過於個人化工作場所性騷擾事件,以及認為工作場所性騷擾與雇主無關等爭議。性別工作平等法施行後,雖以專章規範工作場所性騷擾,將其類型化及明確化,並設有受害者得主張的民事損害賠償規定,然而,觀察性別工作平等法施行後之工作場所性騷擾損害賠償相關判決,我國工作場所性騷擾民事損害賠償訴訟中,仍存有對構成敵意環境性騷擾認定標準發展不全、將工作場所性騷擾視為對原告貞操權侵犯、否定原告所受之薪資損害,以及認工作場所性騷擾純屬行為人私德不檢,與雇主無關等爭議。本文以為,我國並無禁止工作場所性騷擾受害者提起民法侵權行為訴訟之規定,民法侵權行為仍為工作場所性騷擾案件重要之請求權基礎,從而我國法院在民事損害賠償訴訟中,得將性別平等概念納入民法侵權行為之論述中,強化性別工作平等法中平等原則於司法中的實踐,並藉此改變現行民事法院在工作場所性騷擾損害賠償訴訟中,關於原告所受之權利侵害、受有何種損害,以及行為人雇主是否應負連帶賠償責任之認定上,所存在之性別偏見問題。


Torts Law, as an important way to address personal damages, has always been an objective and neutral doctrine irrelevant to gender discrimination, bias and equality. However, injuries are often connected with the identity and the social position of the victim. In this article, I use feminist legal studies to analyze the regulation regarding the claims of damage awards of sexual harassment in workplace, and the gender bias hidden in the verdicts of torts law. Moreover, I discuss whether the Act of Gender Equality in Employment could change the Perception of sexual harassment in workplace. Since the 1970s, feminists have studied torts law through a critical perspective by focusing on the context and the specific social background in each case. For instance, Martha Chamallas indicated that torts claims are not gender neutral, certain claims are usually raised by female victims. Hence, we have to understand the power dynamic between social groups to discuss the meaning of those claims and the gender issues behind the theory and the practice. First, we usually calculate the damage awards base on gender-specific economic data to predict the future earning capacity of plaintiff, which reflects and reinforces the disadvantages women have suffered in the labor market. Second, while the concept of harm and loss in torts law seems gender neutral on its face, it links emotional and relational harm, non-economic loss to women, and these harms are considered less substantial, causing disadvantages to female plaintiffs. One good example is sexual harassment claims in workplace. Before the era of Civil Rights Act of 1964, the victim of sexual harassment in workplace often use torts law to seek recovery. However, some feminists question the doctrines and theory of torts law, arguing that torts law has over- personalized harassments, and inclined to rely on morality to reach judgments. Given these shortcomings, after the Supreme Court recognized that sexual harassment in workplace is a civil rights law violation, Chamallas suggests that, by migrating the principles of civil rights act to torts law claims of sexual harassment in workplace, it may transform torts law into civil rights enforcement mechanism, and could provide fuller protections to victims of workplace sexual harassment. I find that, in Taiwan, the development of laws governing workplace sexual harassment is similar to that in the U.S. Before the enactment of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, we often regarded workplace sexual harassment as a violation of individual rights, and therefore should be resolved by torts in Civil Code. However, the courts’ verdicts of damage awards in such cases over-personalized the injuries and ignored the importance of social identity in these cases. Further, verdicts after the enactment still have had the same problems such as the ambiguous standard of recognizing sexual harassment, the perception of sexual harassment as a violation of women’s chastity, the denial of recovering economic loss except medical expense, and the impression of sexual harassment as a pure moral wrong. I argue that courts should adopt the concept of gender equality in damage awards cases to ensure that every employee can enjoy the right to work without discrimination. Through the gender biases in these damage awards cases, courts can embody the gender equality spirit of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment.


