  • 學位論文


The narrative research of "San Yan Er Pai" focusing on the episodes happening within the space of boats

指導教授 : 康韻梅
共同指導教授 : 李志宏(Chi-Hung Li)


舟船的發明對於人類文明有重大的意義,代表人類能乘舟渡江,自由往返各地,不被江河湖海所限制。除了作為交通工具之外,舟船在中國文學也富含豐富的意象與象徵意義。它在古典詩詞中帶有希望、夢想、漂泊、逍遙、愛情等意象。 在小說中,舟船是普遍的場景,作為往返兩地的交通工具,帶動空間的轉移。但是除此之外,由於舟船行駛於水域,水域空間的廣闊與舟船空間的封閉,人物在舟船空間中產生各種的行為,也導致小說情節的發展。 「三言二拍」是明代傑出的白話短篇小說,小說中也反映出當時的市民生活和社會樣貌。由於明代運河疏浚完善,內河航運興盛,提供商人經商、官員赴任、試子應試、或者百姓往返等各項需求的滿足。「三言二拍」中也可見舟船空間的大量出現。歷來論者多從故事題材、人物形象、社會文化等方面來研究「三言二拍」,較少人留意到「三言二拍」與「舟船空間」的關係。因此本論文希望能藉此突顯文本敘事和舟船空間之間的關聯性,以期得到「舟船空間」與「小說敘事」全面而具體的研究結果。 本文從不同主題的舟船故事著眼,分別探討舟船空間對於不同類型故事所造成的意義及影響。主要分成三種舟船故事類型:「劫騙行舟」、「情牽客舟」、「情斷舟船」,藉此延伸討論舟船在不同情節的情境下所形成的「犯罪空間」、「情慾空間」、「負心空間」。透過「本事作品」的對照、「社會文化背景」的考察、「空間秩序規範」的探究、「情義建構與背離」的觀察等不同的面向為切入點,以期能明確了解「三言二拍」舟船空間的多重意涵。


The Boat building has a significant influence on human development. With boats, humans are able to travel across different fields and no longer limited by water. In Chinese literature, besides being as a vehicle, boats also contain different imagery and symbols. In classical poems, boats show symbolical meanings of hope, dream, loneliness, freedom, and love. In novels, boats often serve as scenes and involve the change of space. Moreover, human activities on the boat, an enclosed space on the water, help to push stories forward with unexpected twists. “San Yan Er Pai” is an influential collection of vernacular short stories reflecting the public life and social structure in Ming Dynasty. Canals largely established at that time formed an essential transportation for merchants, officials, scholars, and common people. Many scholars have studied “San Yan Er Pai” from different aspects including the story lines, characterization, and cultural affect on the society. While less attention is paid on the relation between the story and boats in the work. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to explore the different meanings of boats in “San Yan Er Pai”. This paper will focus on various stories about boat and interpret their influence and significance in the text. Stories related to boat can be divided into three types, and they are respectively about hijacking, romance, and infidelity. Based on different scenarios, the stories are unfolded in the areas of crime, love, and betrayal. To explain the multiple meanings of boats in “San Yan Er Pai”, this paper aims to prove different ideas through the research of texts, cultural background, social order, and human relationships.


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劉翊群《三言二拍佛道人物形象研究》 台灣大學中文研究所碩士論文,2004。
