  • 學位論文


The Study of Organizational Integration in Taipei Water Works

指導教授 : 蘇彩足




Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration and Taipei Water Department have their own historical backgrounds and reasons to establish and have operated separately for over 3 decades. However, when facing rapid-changing environment or non-routine events, Taipei City Government could become of slowing down its decision-making and lacking problem-solving capabilities to manage water works because of departmental egoism, information gaps or professional paranoid. Therefore, in this article, we explore the possibility to better organizational status of Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration and Taipei Water Department based on the theories of organizational integration, the principles of governmental organizational integration and stakeholder interviews. We proposed a draft of organizational integration to pursue the improvement of operational efficiency, the deduction of organizational complexity, and the reasonable cost and price of tap water. The integrated organization is called “The Department of Taipei Water Affairs”. It would meet the needs of (1) upstream and downstream business integration, (2) similar business integration, and (3) resource integration of auxiliary unit. In this way, the related resources and information of water could be actually integrated for Taipei City Government to get the benefits of downsizing, unified authority, overall planning, operational synergy and financial synergy. We also illustrate the necessary treatments to manage the risk of organizational integration. These treatments are to ensure that employees' rights are protected and thus support the organizational change, to emphasis on cultural integration, and to ensure the integrity of the resource integration really in place.


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