  • 學位論文


Freshman in Social Movement: The Progress of Becoming Social Movement Participants

指導教授 : 劉華真


近年台灣社會風起雲湧的社會運動召喚出一批又一批的新興參與者,這些社運新鮮人,在社運參與之路上,最終會走到哪裡?究竟社運只是船過水無痕的生活插曲,還是足以不斷發酵成強烈的社運參與信念與長期的承諾。在參加完自己第一次的街頭初體驗後,這些各自回到自己生活岡位的新鮮人們,會給我們的社會帶來什麼樣的質變呢? 我的研究把社運先人分成「社團新鮮人」、「營隊新鮮人」、「散客新鮮人」,社團新鮮人和散客新鮮人「自我覺醒」這種脫胎換骨式的敘事相比,傾向以組織為單位思考行動。而散客新鮮人不處在社運人際網絡的關係,更有機會可以傳遞、捲動更多非社運圈的潛在參與者一同參與,讓參與者背景更多元化、激起不同社經背景的人際網絡,得以取得進入的起點。 社運新鮮人在第一次行動過後會經歷「爆發力階段」,是後續行動得以開展的關鍵時期。三種管道的新鮮人所面臨的人際網絡衝突也有所差異,社團新鮮人交友圈的轉變是一個相對緩慢的過程、不因特定的社會運動事件而起,所以有較多的緩衝期可以處理新、舊交友圈的立場差異;營隊新鮮人雖然會因未進入的管道而增加許多社運組織者的人脈資源,但是與這些人的交流大多是在網路上,自己的交友圈形成壁壘分明的「社運派」和「非社運派」;散客新鮮人則往往是自己人際網絡中的孤立無援者,這時候會有兩種可能,一種是散客新鮮人斷捨離、直接加入社運組織或團體尋求新的認同、另一種是成為自己交友圈當中的「社運代表」,透過日常的實踐與親友溝通。 最後,在三種管道新鮮人未來的發展上,散客新鮮人自述自己有意願加入NGO的比例比營隊和社團來得多,但就他們現在的參與程度來看,似乎處於不上不下、無法「破關」的參與狀態。這群新興的參與者,和現今台灣社運部門的規模是不成正比,這些限制使得許多社運參與者雖然對於在NGO工作有憧憬,但是卻苦無門路。


There are three important actors in social movement: Sympathizer, Participant, and Organizer. But the importance of participants has been neglected in the social movement studies. In this research, I focus on the “New Comers”, who just start to participate social movements. And try to reveal the process of participation, which been called the “Black Box” in social movement. I want to figure out: Why do people who had never participate in social movement begin to take action? How does the different starting points influence the New Comers’ ongoing participation? The Participation of the New Comers can be divided into two steps: the first step is: 1. How to participate at the beginning? I divided the starting point of participation into three patterns: a).through students association of university, b).through camp & workshop held by NGOs, and c).individual participants without any group background. The second step is: 2. Stay or Leave? The choice of stay or leave is related to the process of participation that different new comers have experienced. The purpose of this research is to know if certain pattern of participation is related to higher chances of stay or leave. And I also want to present the stories of “New Comers” which I believe can inspire our understanding of participation.


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