  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Value Innovation Strategy in the Graphic Card Industry

指導教授 : 李吉仁


本研究闡述了企業價值創新的急迫性及其策略應用,希冀藉由個案公司案例來深入了解價值創新的實務運作模式。 本研究首先分析了顯示卡產業內廠商面臨各種智慧型上網裝置的替代造成銷售量下滑,而採取價格戰導致廠商無利可圖的結局。個案公司在面對同樣的威脅與生存壓力後,如何在顯示卡紅海中找到自己的新定位,並成為新「藍海」,成為本研究主要想探討的課題。 本研究發現,個案公司將原有核心事業累積的資源做另外更有效益的投資,往外延伸擴大其公司產品價值,並跨入新產業,獲取更高的獲利。個案公司並非完全拋棄舊有的成功及能力,而是透過價值創新保有或增加新的競爭優勢,轉嫁到更有效益的新興產業,使得個案公司的營收轉弱為強。個案公司為台灣典型的中小型企業,中小型企業占台灣廠商數量中的九成,但卻容易因為外在環境劇烈改變而面臨倒閉的風險,本研究基於此個案,提供中小企業該如何妥善地運用其資源另闢新局,開鑿藍海,讓企業攀登另一波新高峰的例證。


This thesis pinpoints the urgency as well as strategies and tactics of value creation of an enterprise, hoping that by analyzing the case company—TUL, a VGA card company, would bring more insights to the creation of value-based strategy and its practical applications. The VGA industry is characterized by high volatility and very short product life cycle. Price competition is a common way of competition, which causes business loss for almost all player. From 2010 onward, VGA card market was gradually shrinking due to the rising of various smart handheld devices. The case company was under unprecedented pressure of survival and threat casted by PC market in an already difficult business situation. How to secure a position in “red ocean” and find a new “blue ocean” becomes a critical challenge to the case company, which motivate the present thesis. Facing both internal and external threats, the case company found feasible ways of value creation by effectively using the limited resource to new segments. The case company leverages its past experience and advantage as strength to new industry segment and successfully turns on the business results. The case has been discussing how to stay vigilant and capable for the example company which in a rapidly changing industry and short product life cycle? How to leverage the exist resource to create value and reposition itself in the industry? With the example company, the research would show a strategy and tactics to achieve its blue ocean exploration and reach another peak.


Andrews, K. R. (1971). The Concept of Corporate Strategy.
Chandler, A. D. (1962). Strategy and structure: Chapters in the history of the american enterprise. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge.
