  • 學位論文


The Study of Implementing BIM in Real Estate Agency

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


如今BIM已是營建產業不可逆的發展趨勢,在設計、施工及營運維護階段已有許多相關的研究與施行案例,對於可以應用於建築全生命週期的BIM卻不見銷售領域有導入的準備,在台灣此類建築銷售大部份會由建設公司委託專業的不動產代銷公司代為銷售,未來因為BIM的導入,代銷公司與建設公司之間資訊的交流將從傳統的2D CAD平面圖轉變為3D的資訊化模型,代銷公司應該由以往被動的角色轉為主動的方式順應此趨勢進行改變。 本研究是參考台大BIM Center於2014年出版的「業主 BIM 實施方針之擬定指引 (2014版) 」架構,並根據專家訪談的回答結果,制定一不動產代銷BIM導入指引,在經過案例模擬的結果顯示,此指引確實能給予組織制定導入BIM的策略與規劃實施流程的幫助。 案例模擬之大型代銷公司現況評估的結果顯示目前組織應用BIM的成熟度相當低,但因決策者的支持與組織朝向垂直整合經營模式,未來將積極的導入BIM期望能以漸進的方式達到視覺化、協同作業、專業深化與整合作業的發展。所選的個案研究結果顯示當達到導入BIM的視覺化發展階段目標時,在流程上會造成最大的變化是在於銷售道具透視圖的製作部分。BIM技術人員的人事配置以BIM小組的形式導入較易與實務結合,資訊傳遞也比較機動且有效率。需建置的元件項目包含地下結構、上部結構、室外垂直包覆、室外水平包覆、室內構造、室內裝修、服務、設備傢俱與建築物週邊工程等,模型發展程度大部分為LOD200到LOD300。此階段導入BIM需投入的成本(軟體、人員教育訓練)門檻相對較低,因為有BIM的導入較易取得接案機會,顧客滿意度也會提升。雖然視覺化的溝通能使工作更有效率,但在此階段因為工作流程的變化不大縮短工作流程的執行時間還是相當有限,節省之廣告預算因為有礙於合作的計價模式未能當作投入成本的回饋,但可以彈性地運用於其他部分。所以整體而言對於此階段的效益預估是屬於樂觀的。


Now, BIM is an irreversible trend in the construction industry. There are many related research and implementation cases in the design, construction operation and maintenance process. BIM can be used throughout a building life cycle, but in the domain of sales has not prepared to import it yet. In Taiwan, the real estate agency will be commissioned by the construction company to sale such real estate. In the future, because of the use of BIM, the exchange of information between the construction company and the real estate agency from traditional 2D CAD floor plan into a 3D model. The real estate agency should conform to the trend to change actively. This study establish a guide to prepare BIM implementation for real estate agency. The guide refer to the frame of " Facility Owner’s Guide for Preparing BIM Guidelines (V. 2014)" that is published by NTU BIM Center in 2014, and according to the results of interviews with experts. The result of the case simulation show that this guide can help organizations to develop a BIM project execution plan. The results of the case simulation show that the large real estate agency’s current status of BIM implementation is not mature. But, since gaining involvement and buy-in from the top-level management and stakeholders, and the organization toward vertical integration business model, the organization will expect to achieve the strategic planning gradually, it consists of four development levels of BIM adoption (BIM stages): visualization, coordination, adaptation, and integration. The case study display when achieving visualization stage of development goals, the biggest change in the process is drawing perspective. The BIM implementation team members should be chosen from sales department, because it can be combined with practice and the transmission of information is more efficient. The model element should contain substructure, superstructure, exterior vertical enclosures, exterior horizontal enclosures, interior construction, interior finishes, services, equipment, furnishings and site improvements, the level of development is determined from LOD200 to LOD300. Although BIM investments (BIM training, BIM software, etc.) is relatively low in the early stage, the benefits of BIM can be received such as marketing new business and higher customer satisfaction. So the expected benefits will be optimistic.


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8.郭榮欽,「BIM 應用於建管行政之現況」,營建知訊,財團法人臺灣營建研究院,第370期,第58-67頁(2013)。
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