  • 學位論文


Laws and Regulations of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

指導教授 : 王皇玉


自從胚胎幹細胞在上世紀末成功被培養出具有持續分化能力的幹細胞株後,胚胎幹細胞的研究就成為本世紀初生醫研究的顯學。胚胎幹細胞的無窮發展潛力背後,卻也隱藏著可能會破壞胚胎的道德爭議,以及對複製人類的恐懼。本文先從醫學倫理的角度分析,胚胎幹細胞研究是否符合醫學倫理各原則的要求。進而介紹美國、英國及德國對於胚胎幹細胞研究之三種截然不同的管制模式,以及各國最近之法院判決。美國透過行政命令及研究經費之補助,掌控胚胎幹細胞研究之方向,並未以刑罰管制。英國則是明確劃出紅線並予以嚴厲刑罰,其他部份則授權獨立之管制機關集中管控。德國乃一貫的強調人性尊嚴並以刑罰管制胚胎幹細胞研究的各種違法態樣。   至於我國目前規範胚胎幹細胞研究的有效現行法律,最主要的是人工生殖法。人工生殖法允許人工生殖之剩餘胚胎在一定條件下,可供研究使用。人工生殖法同時也以刑罰限制複製人類。細部規定則由行政院衛生福利部以職權命令位階加以管制,不僅不符合法律保留之要求,也未規定違反之法律效果。行政院院會曾經通過「人類胚胎及胚胎幹細胞研究條例草案」,擬專法規範胚胎幹細胞研究。草案中明定,禁止複製人並提高刑度,以不正當方法取得或買賣研究用組織、或將非供研究用胚胎進行研究及將研究用胚胎植入子宮,均處以刑罰。本文以法益觀點討論胚胎幹細胞之刑事政策,建議草案可刪除部分刑罰改採行政罰,以達到更有效率之管制效果。


Ever since stem cell lines with the ability to differentiate continually were successfully cultivated from embryonic stem cells at the end of the last century, the study of embryonic stem cells has become the hot topic of the day in biomedical research. However, ethical controversy about the possible destruction of embryos and the fear of human cloning lie behind the infinite potential of embryonic stem cell development. This article will first evaluate embryonic stem cell research against the various principles of medical ethics. Next, the paper will survey the distinct approaches to regulating embryonic stem cell research in the United States, Britain, and Germany, as well as recent judicial decisions in these countries. The United States controls the direction of embryonic stem cell research through executive orders and research subsidies, but not criminalization. Britain prescribes criminal penalties for human cloning, and sets up an independent regulatory agency for centralized control and management of embryonic stem cell research. Germany is consistent in its emphasis on human dignity, and criminalizes various illegal behaviors in embryonic stem cell research. The main legislation that currently regulates embryonic stem cell research in Taiwan is the Artificial Reproduction Act. The Artificial Reproduction Act allows the use of surplus artificially reproduced embryos for research under certain circumstances. At the same time, it restricts human cloning through criminal penalties. The Ministry of Health and Welfare promulgates detailed regulations with non-delegated administrative legislation, which not only violates the principle of legal reservation (Prinzip des Vorbehalts des Gesetzes) but also fails to prescribe the legal effects of violation. The Executive Yuan Council (the Cabinet) passed a draft bill that would specifically regulate embryonic stem cell research. The draft bill prohibits human cloning and raises criminal penalties for the offense. It also criminalizes the improper acquisition or trade of tissue intended for research, the use of embryos that are not intended for research purposes, or the implantation of embryos intended for research into the uterus. This article discusses the criminal law policy on embryonic stem cell research, taking the concept of the legal interest (Rechtsgut) as the point of departure, and recommends substituting administrative for criminal penalties in the draft bill to attain more efficient regulatory results.


