  • 學位論文


The Effects of Outcome Feedback and Task Property Feedback on Decision Performance: An Experimental Research

指導教授 : 杜榮瑞


本研究探討結果回饋的完全與否對績效的影響,是否受到工作特性回饋的提供所調節,以及多角化選擇的策略,是否能有效改善決策者透過不完全結果回饋所導致有偏差的學習。 本研究採用實驗室實驗方式,共招募95位學生擔任受試者,進行產品投資決策工作。研究結果顯示,結果回饋的完全與否對績效的影響,會受到工作特性回饋所調節,工作特性回饋的提供,會擴大完全結果回饋組與不完全結果回饋組之績效差異。然而研究結果並未發現,透過選擇多角化的策略,有助於改善管理者透過不完全結果回饋所導致有偏差的學習。


This study examines the effect of task property feedback and the completeness of outcome feedback on decision performance and whether decision makers can diversify their choices to avoid the biased learning from incomplete outcome feedback. Recruiting 95 students as the participants in an experiment in which participants perform the product investing task. The result shows that there is a moderating effect of task property feedback on the effect of completeness of outcome feedback on decision performance. The provision of task property feedback increases the difference between performance of decision makers receiving complete and incomplete outcome feedback. The result does not support the infernece that decision makers can diversify their choices to avoid the biased learning from incomplete outcome feedback.


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