  • 學位論文


The Demand for Career Information Service in University Libraries:A Study of National Taiwan University Undergraduates

指導教授 : 陳書梅


本研究旨在了解大學生之生涯資訊需求與其對大學圖書館提供生涯資訊服務之看法,研究目的包括(1)探討大學生在進行生涯規劃的過程中之生涯資訊需求及蒐尋生涯資訊的管道(2)分析大學生在尋求生涯資訊過程中所遭遇之困難與解決之道(3)了解大學生對大學圖書館施行生涯資訊服務之看法及所希望之服務內容。 在研究設計上,本研究採質性研究法,針對24位國立臺灣大學之大學部學生進行半結構式深度訪談。研究結果顯示,在引發受訪者尋求生涯資訊之動機方面,其主要內在動機為不確定未來的生涯方向;主要外在動機則為面對壓力而必須做決定之時。至於受訪者之生涯資訊需求類型則以職業內容概況與產業趨勢居首;而紙本資料為受訪者最為偏好之生涯資訊形式。此外,受訪者蒐尋生涯資訊的主要管道為人際管道及網路,而「相關性」、「周延性」、「資訊來源」、「新穎性」與「資訊內容是否偏頗」則為受訪者評估生涯資訊是否為其所需之主要標準。受訪者在尋求生涯資訊過程中所遭遇之首要困難為資訊太多且繁雜,解決之道則主要是放棄繼續蒐尋。至於受訪者對大學圖書館生涯資訊服務之看法,其抱持正面的態度;而提供「生涯資訊整合平臺」、「多元管道行銷」、「個人化服務」則為大學圖書館提供生涯資訊服務可注重之層面;此外,受訪者首要需求之服務內容為「成立生涯資訊服務中心」、「生涯資訊館藏與書目清單之提供」、「提供生涯諮商服務」及「提供升學或求職相關之課程或活動」,而受訪者亦建議大學圖書館可嘗試與學生心理輔導中心、學生職業生涯發展中心等校內相關單位共同合作以提供生涯資訊服務。 最後根據訪談結果,研究者建議大學圖書館可嘗試著手依萌芽期、發展期、充實期、成長期與成熟期等五個發展階段提供生涯資訊服務,具體施行之作法為:(1)萌芽期:提供生涯資訊館藏與生涯資訊整合網路平台(2)發展期:建立生涯資訊館藏專區及培訓館員提供圖書館生涯資訊服務之能力(3)充實期:提供讀者與生涯資訊相關之圖書館利用教育與資訊素養課程(4)成長期:與校內相關單位合作提供生涯資訊服務(5)成熟期:成立生涯資訊服務中心,注重個人化服務,並以多元管道行銷生涯資訊服務。


The aims of this study are as follows:(1)to explore undergraduates’ needs for career information and the channels available to them for such information(2)to understand the difficulties faced by undergraduates during the process of searching for career information and(3)to investigate undergraduates’ demands for career information service in the university library. In-depth interviews were employed to investigate undergraduates’ demands for career information service. Research participants included 24 National Taiwan University undergraduates who are making career plans and searching for career information. This study reached the following conclusions: Firstly, interviewees’ main intrinsic motive for seeking career information is that they are not clear about their own future career choices, and their main extrinsic motive is that they have to make a decision under outer pressure. In addition, the main channels for interviewees to search for career information involve interpersonal relationships and Internet resources. The main kind of career information the interviewees expect to attain is regarding job descriptions and industrial trends, and the form of career information preferred by interviewees is printed materials. Besides, the interviewees’ criteria for filtering career information are relevance, completeness, source reliability, novelty, and excluding extreme information. Secondly, “too much and disorderly information” is the main problem encountered by the interviewees when seeking career information. When they are unable to find the desired career information, they tend to “give up”. Lastly, in terms of channels, the interviewees prefer to use the “career information service”, which includes “the provision of a career information integrated platform” , ”multichannel marketing for career information” and “the provision of customized services ”. Furthermore, the interviewees’ main demands for career information service in university libraries is “the establishment of a career information service center” , “the provision of career information collection and book lists” , “career counseling service” , and “the provision of training courses about further study and job seeking”. In addition, the interviewees prefer that the university library and the career center cooperate to provide career information service. According to the above-mentioned findings, the following proposals are made for university libraries:(1)Provide career information collection and construct a career information integrated platform,(2)Provide librarians with training courses about career information service,(3)Provide training courses about further study and job seeking,(4)Cooperate with other departments on campus to provide effective career information services,(5)Establish a career information center to provide customized services and market career information service through multi channels.


