  • 學位論文


Spatial analysis of junior high school students commuting in Taiwan

指導教授 : 賴進貴


跨越鄉鎮就讀的通學在台灣是個普遍的現象,卻少有人針對此一現象加以探討。本研究從地理學的空間觀點切入,針對台灣國中生的跨鄉鎮通學進行空間探索分析,以瞭解台灣國中生通學的情形,進而探討通學的原因及通勤之空間分布差異。本研究所使用的資料為2000年戶口普查、教育部之教育統計等,研究工具包括:地理資訊系統 (GIS) 、迴歸模型和空間計量模型等。 本研究的結論有兩大部分。針對教育機會和學生通學情形之空間分布的部份,本研究發現台灣的教育機會具有地域不均之現象,且與人口分布有關。通學情形具有城鄉差異和區域差異,且移入和移出情形不相同。區域內部的通學情形與該地區的位置有關。 在影響通學情形的原因部份,本研究發現教育機會是造成各地通學情形差異的主要原因。家長的通勤行為顯著的影響學生的通學行為,且通學情形與該地區發展有關,人口數越高則通學人口越多。另外,母親教育程度越高學生通學情形越多。本研究亦發現通學情形會受到鄰近地區的影響,亦即影響通學情形之因素具有空間異質性。


Although students commute is common in Taiwan, few people discuss this issue. So this study uses the spatial perspective to analysis the spatial distribution of student commuting as well as discuss the factor of students commuting and spatial difference. The data source are both census of 2000 and educational statistics of Ministry of education. The research tools include Geographic Information System, regression and Spatial econometric model, etc. There are two major conclusions in this study. First, the study indicates that there is a regional inequality of educational opportunities in Taiwan which relates to the distribution of population. And student commuting exists regional difference between urban and rural areas, so does between in-migration and out-migration. Second, the study shows that educational opportunity is main factor for student commuting. Parents commuting and region development also considerably affect student commuting. In addition, the higher mother’s education level is, the more student commute will be. At end, the study also finds that student neighbor regions make the impact to the student commute. In other words, the factors effecting student commuting include the spatial heterogeneity.


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