  • 學位論文


A Study of Bloggers’ Classifying Behavior of Blog Articles

指導教授 : 吳明德


部落客透過部落格來抒發心情與記錄生活及資訊,並且依據個人的喜好與方法來組織和管理文章,部落格成為個人化的資訊分類組織的一種新媒體和新方式。本研究目的在分析部落格中的文章分類建構概況,探討部落客管理與進行文章分類時的行為與特質,以及探討部落客對於文章分類的需求與認知。 本研究採用內容分析法及訪談法來蒐集部落格文章分類概況及部落客的文章分類建構行為。在內容分析法以「部落格觀察」中25類的分類排行榜各取前20名,共500個部落格為研究對象,分析其文章分類的層次架構與命名方式,以及分類在時間上的變化。而訪談法則由內容分析法的500個部落格中,徵求到12位自願受訪者進行訪談,訪談內容包括個人文章分類的目的與需求、個人文章分類的步驟與過程、影響個人建立分類名稱的因素、及建立文章分類時遇到的困難。 彙整內容分析與訪談的研究結果,本研究在「部落客文章分類建立行為」方面得到二點結論:一、部落格通常先有文章累積,再針對既有文章的內容來設立分類;二、文章分類偏向穩定的發展,僅分類數量上有所變化,分類名稱、順序及架構則少有變動。在「部落格文章分類現況」方面得到五點結論:一、文章分類架構以單層居多,而部落格平台與個人工作或習慣會影響部落客的文章分類架構組織方式;二、大多數部落格文章分類無特定的排序方式;三、部落客為文章分類命名時主要考量「興趣」、「資訊類型」兩面向,偶爾加入「流行用語」為參考;四、文章分類名稱之詞彙內容範疇廣泛,名稱主要由文字和符號兩大類組成,語言以中文為主,詞性以名詞居多;五、部落客為文章分類命名時的主要原則為「清楚描述並表達類別內容與範圍」、「名稱一旦訂定便不輕易更改或刪除」、「類名的詞性或長短能有特定組合方式或表現出個人風格」、以及「類別之間名稱需有清楚區別性」。而在「部落客對文章分類的看法」方面得到三項結論:一、文章分類命名時之用字遣詞及文章歸類之判斷是部落客在文章分類上遭遇的主要問題;二、文章分類對於部落客而言具有管理的角色,並同時能透過文章分類的呈現來表現其經營理念與用心程度;三、部落客普遍認為文章分類能提供資訊取用與分享的功能。


By running a blog, bloggers can express their frames of mind in life and record information. Because bloggers organize and manage articles according to their own preference, blogs are new media for personal information management. This study aims to analyze the general architecture of classification in blogs, explore bloggers’ behavior and characteristics when classifying articles, and discuss bloggers’ needs and perspectives on article classifying. This study adopted content analysis and interviews to investigate the classification of articles in blogs and the classifying behavior of bloggers. Five-hundred blogs were analyzed which consisted of 20 blogs each from 25 categories found on the "Blog Look" website. This study analyzed the arrangement and names of classification, including of time variation. Twelve bloggers were interviewed from the 500 blogs covered in the content analysis. Bloggers were asked questions concerning the purposes and processes of classification, the factors that influence category naming, and the types of difficulties encountered. There are two conclusions in the bloggers’ classifying behavior: 1. Bloggers often secure articles first, and then build up categories according to the contents of articles. 2. The development of classification in blogs is stable. Bloggers often change the category quantities, but the name, order, and construction of categories usually remain unchanged. In the presentation of blog classification, there are five conclusions: 1. Most classification architecture is single-layer, and bloggers’ jobs or habits will influence construct classification. 2. A majority of classification in blogs do not have a specific sorting method. 3. Bloggers name their categories according to their interests and type of information, and occasionally popular terminology was used. 4. The scope of terms of categories is widespread. The titles are mainly composed by words and symbols. The language is primarily Chinese. The morphology is often by noun. 5. Bloggers’ main principles of naming are describing and expressing the content and scope of categories clearly. Once the names are decided, they did not readily change or delete them. The morphology or length is of a specific combination or individual style display. The name between the categories should be distinctly different. With regard to bloggers’ point of view with classification, there are three conclusions: 1. Use of terms in naming categories and classification judgment of articles are two main problems when bloggers build up article classification. 2. Article classification plays a management role and can demonstrate the bloggers' efforts and dedication to organizing articles. 3. Bloggers generally consider that classification facilitates information accessability and sharing.




張庭維(2014)。論新聞記者之拒絕證言權 —以美國聯邦最高法院及歐洲人權法院判決為中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00723
