  • 學位論文


Hope or Hype:Coverage by the News Media of Medical Advances

指導教授 : 倪炎元


本研究試圖探究媒體報導醫療進展議題時,內容及品質上所存在的現象和問題,進一步了解作為守門人,媒體傳遞、把關醫療訊息的判準究竟為何,以及媒體論述在文本中對於醫療進展的建構。為回答上述題旨,本研究以量化內容分析與質化論述分析相互輔助發掘答案分析樣本包括《聯合報》、《中國時報》、《蘋果日報》與《自由時報》2003 -2008 年五年間1274則相關報導,發現醫藥進展議題的報導數量儘管逐年成長,但報導品質符合科學言說標準者非常有限,多數報導詮釋過於誇大、引述過於正面,消息來源也高度重疊,甚至還出現遊走法律邊緣的廣告化的新聞文類。為避免錯誤的資訊傳布、成為醫藥機構廣告行銷的工具,我們綜合本研究結果與國外相關經驗,提供醫藥進展相關的參考守則,增進媒體記者與閱聽眾的健康資訊識讀素養,並建議主管機關重新審視醫藥報導與行銷的分野、規範醫療機構與媒體間的贊助關係。


The news media are an important source of information about medical advances, but there is concern that some coverage may be inaccurate and overly enthusiastic. This study investigates how the print news media represent stories on advances. It is based on a content analysis and a discourse analysis of 1274 newspaper articles that appeared between 2003 and 2008 from four major newspaper outlets in Taiwan. Stories were found to emphasize, and often exaggerate the benefits and implications of medical advances without adequate or complete information about the novelty, availability, other treatment options, quality of evidence, risks, complications, costs or the financial ties between study groups or experts and pharmaceutical manufacturers. The overly positive vision of medical advances is supported by the use of particular metaphors and hyperboles, accompanying illustrative material, such as testimonials and human interest stories, and constant reference to favorable sources. Stories were also found to be an extensively exploited channel for publicity and promotion among medical institutes and pharmaceutical companies. We hope through our examination of coverage of medical advances will lead all who engage in the dissemination of health news to reevaluate their practices to better serve a more informed health care population.


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