  • 學位論文


Ethnic Identities and Political System of Belgium

指導教授 : 高朗


1830年建國以來,比利時便面對了國內法蘭德及瓦隆兩大族群的對立情勢,除了語言使用上的差異之外,兩大族群在宗教觀、文化、經濟發展上都存有差異。 隨著法蘭德民族運動的發展,比利時國內逐漸發展出大比利時國家認同、法蘭德民族認同和瓦隆民族認同三股勢力,三者之間相互影響,成為影響比國國內政治的主要因素。 為了解決國內社會的高度分歧,從1970年開始比國展開了四次憲法修改,逐漸的從單一制國家,走向區域化、再走向聯邦制。1994年第四次修憲後,比國終於成功轉型成為一個獨具特色的聯邦制國家,包含了三個以語言文化為區分基礎的族群政府(communities),及三個以經濟為區分基礎的區域(regions),以制度設計降低了族群衝突,並且制度化了各族群間的利益。 本文以歷史研究途徑和文獻分析法作為研究方法,試圖探討比利時內部國家認同和族群認同之間的相互影響,並以Arend Lijphart提出的協合民主(consociational democracy)作為理論架構,討論制度建立的過程中,比利時如何漸進地調和族群利益衝突,以及制度建立後對社會價值觀產生的影響。


Since the foundation of the nation in 1830, Belgium has faced the confrontation between Flemings and Wollons, who have immense difference from one to another in aspects of languages, religions, cultures and economic development. As Flemish nationalist movement grows, three kinds of identities, which are Belgian state identity, Flemish identity and Wallonian identity, have emerged, mutully inflenced and become the most significant factor to domestic politics of Belgium. In order to solve the high domestic divergence, the four constitutional revisions started from 1970 has transformed Belgian political system from model of unity to regionalism, and eventually, to federalism. After the fourth constitutional revision in 1994, Belgium has become an unique federal state, composed of three communities are divided based on languages and cultures, and three regions based on economic performances. The revised constitution havs been used as an approach to reduce conflicts among ethnic groups, and it also instutionalized interests of each groups. This thesis adopts historical approach and literatures reviews as methodologies, and tries to ask three questions. First, how the three identities influence each other? Second, How Belgium deals with ethnic conflict with a moderate process? And third, what is the influence of the new political design? How this influence works to the social values?


Anderson, Benedict 著,吳叡人譯,1999,《想像的共同體:民族主義的起源與散布》,台北:時報。 譯自Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, Revised ed, London: Verso 1991.
Guibernau, Montserrat著,周志杰譯,2002,《無國家的民族:全球時代的政治社群》,台北:韋伯。 譯自Nations Without States: Political Communities in a Global Age, 1999.


