  • 學位論文


The Protection of Privacy in Databases: An Example of Household Registration System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林子儀


本文最主要的目的在於:探討資訊隱私權之內涵,並檢討在資訊時代下個人資料庫對於資訊隱私權所形成的威脅;以我國戶籍制度為例,實際檢驗其合憲性,倡導資訊隱私保障之法制。 傳統以來,隱私權的概念被認為是保障個人「私密事務」之權利,諸如:免於住宅之空間遭受侵擾、保持私人信件之秘密性,乃至自主決定私密事務,如婚姻、生育等。然而到了資訊時代,由於科技的快速發展影響人們對隱私的期待,也逐漸侵蝕隱私權的核心。本文以為隱私權的核心,即為個人自主。因此在資訊時代中,隱私權的概念應該有所改變,亦即,資訊隱私權應為保障個人自主控制其個人資訊之權利。查我國戶籍制度可溯及自日據時代,當時的日本政府為順利統治台灣,便利用戶籍制度蒐集台灣人民的個人資訊,以做為社會控制的工具。直到二次大戰結束,國民政府接收台灣,戶籍制度的地位仍未改變。直到終止戒嚴,恢復戶警分立的正常狀態,戶籍制度的地位才逐漸轉換成國家為遂行社會福利的工具。惟戶籍法歷經長久歷史,其法律的基本架構並未隨其角色變更而改變,戶籍制度中所儲存的戶籍資料並未獲得妥善的保護,以致於人民的資訊隱私權受到嚴重的威脅。政府推動「戶政e網化」,將戶籍資料電腦化,並且接上網際網路後,各政府機關可輕易使用戶籍資料,人民不僅不必回到原戶籍地之戶政機關辦理戶政事務,甚至只需要家用電腦即可申請電子戶籍謄本。這樣的戶籍政策,雖然大幅提昇政府的行政效率,但在另一方面也大幅減弱人民對個人資訊的控制。本文以為,上開數位化及網路化的戶籍資料庫,因欠缺戶籍法之明確授權,且不符合比例原則,因而有違憲之虞。如今之計,應立即倡導修改戶籍法,增訂保障資訊隱私之規範,以符憲法意旨。 本文第一章主要介紹研究動機、研究範圍及方法等;第二章介紹我國戶籍法之歷史演進和法律現況以及所造成的隱私權危機;第三章則在探究隱私權之概念,以做為論述之基礎;第四章則是關注於資訊隱私權本身,認為資訊隱私權有別於傳統隱私群之概念;第五章則回過頭來檢驗我國戶籍資料庫之合憲性,並提出修法之建議;第六章則為結論。


The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of information privacy, to explore the threat formed databases in the information age and try to examine the constitutionality of household registration system in Taiwan and advocates the construction of information laws. Traditionally, the concept of privacy is considered as the right to "intimate affairs", such as: freedom from harassment in the residential space of, the secrecy of personal letters and the decision of private matters (marriage, breeding and so on). But in the information age, as the rapid development of science and technology have affected people's expectations of privacy and therefore have gradually eroded the core of privacy, which is personal autonomy. The concept of privacy should be shifted and given it new life, that is, information privacy should be understood as the right of controlling personal information. Under the policy of Taiwan government, personal information collected in household registration has been computerized and connected to the Internet. Various government agencies could easily use the household registration information and people could even use the personal computers to apply for electronic household registration information. The household registration policy, although significantly enhance the government's administrative efficiency, but on the other hand has greatly weakened the people of control over personal information. This paper contend that the household registration database has seriously infringed upon the constitutional protection of privacy of information and the legislators should immediately revise and augment the articles to protect information privacy in household registration law. Chapter I talks about the study motivation, research methods and scope. Chapter II introduces the history of household registration in Taiwan, the legal system of it and the crisis of information privacy caused by it. Chapter III is to explore the concept of privacy. Chapter IV is concerned about information privacy itself that is different from the traditional concept of privacy. Chapter V reviews constitutionality of the databases made by household registration in Taiwan and proposes amending the laws to protecting information privacy. Chapter VI is the conclusions.




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