  • 學位論文


Little Women in Big Hospitals: Work Conditions and Occupational Health and Safety among Female Personal Aides in Hospitals of Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭雅文


近年來由於人口老化與社會經濟型態變遷等因素的影響,家庭能提供的照顧能力逐漸減少,當病患住院而其家屬難以獨力照顧時,家庭選擇僱用「看護」 來協助家屬陪伴與照顧病患,是普遍存在的現象。在台灣許多醫院護理人力相當吃緊的情況下,看護成為醫療照護體系中相當重要的補充性照顧人力。隨著社會中照顧需求的增加,像看護這樣的照顧工作,吸引許多勞動市場弱勢群體的投入,其中以已婚、中高齡、就業競爭能力較低的女性為主要的人力來源。目前醫院看護就業的方式多是先加入如看護中心、勞動合作社等人力仲介組織,醫院透過勞務採購招標,將病患照顧人力管理委外經營,承攬醫院業務的人力仲介單位再將旗下人力引介為家屬雇用。看護在醫院病房中工作,卻不屬於院內員工,其工作狀況攸關病患照顧服務的品質,但其工作與職業安全健康問題,卻很少受到社會的關注。 本研究透過多元質性方法,包括對本國籍女性醫院看護(19位)與管理人員(護理人員5位、看護中心負責人5位、職業工會人員2位)的訪談、文獻資料的蒐集與分析,以及研究者在看護工作與訓練單位的參與觀察,從多方角度檢視女性醫院看護所面臨的工作處境與職業安全健康問題,並將這些問題置於其所處的醫院組織管理制度與職場社會結構來理解。 研究發現分為四個部分。第一部份探討女性醫院看護的從業背景,其從業經驗,是在女性照顧者的傳統性別角色、女性在勞動市場二度就業的困境、照顧工作的低度勞動條件等多重社會脈絡下交織而成,而醫院病患照顧工作則是在其有限的就業空間中較有利的選擇。第二部分分析女性醫院看護所處的複雜職場權力結構,發現她們所面臨共通的工作處境是在職場權力關係中處於弱勢,她們同時受到醫院、仲介與病患(雇主)的多重指揮監控,以及非法外勞、外籍配偶等外來人口的比價競爭,她們對於工作內容與工作權益經驗強烈的無力感。第三部分則以造成女性醫院看護工作權益的結構性限制為基礎,探討看護普遍的身心健康問題,包括工作時間極長、休息時間不固定、工作不穩定的心理經濟壓力、家庭社交生活隔離、肌肉骨骼傷害,以及潛在的職業風險,包括疾病感染與高風險照護行為。這些職場安全健康風險,是與她們在職場權力結構中的弱勢、勞動市場彈性化趨勢下的就業不安定、以及社會勞動保障制度未將家事勞動者納入等因素息息相關,這些風險所導致的後果,必須由工作者獨力承擔。第四部分則探討政府在照顧政策中扮演的角色。照顧政策目的具有同時促進「產業發展」以及「弱勢就業」的雙重意涵,但實際在照顧產業工作者工作與健康權益的考量,卻相當有限。此部分並從勞工工作與健康權益的角度,批判評論目前政府對於醫院看護工作狀況的少數介入措施—包括年度健康檢查的規定、流感疫苗的免費施打、以及證照制度的加強;最後歸結到政府對於照顧產業的整體規劃,醫院急性期照護體系的人力問題長久以來受到漠視,看護在醫院中不明確的定位一直未獲得衛政部門的澄清,反而藉由看護在醫院中角色模糊但又具備多種功能的特性,放任醫療院所在運用這些委外照顧人力的過程中獲得經營利益。 在人口老化與少子化的社會趨勢之下,家屬能承擔的照顧能力越來越低,照顧人力市場必然更加擴張,探討醫療機構照顧工作者的工作狀況,對於整體健康照護體系的運作,具有相當重要的意義。研究者認為,女性醫院看護的工作與健康問題需要被重視,在照顧政策的規劃中,除了片面要求看護提升專業服務品質,也應考量造成這群工作者身心健康問題的社會結構因素,將照顧工作者的職業安全健康納入照顧人力發展的重要環節。


In recent years, caring capacity provided by family members has been weekened due to the demographic and social changes such as aging of the population and the growing predominance of nuclear families. In Taiwan, it is a custom that hospitalized patients have to be accompanied by their family members during their stay in hospital. In the situation that the family cannot provide accompany and care to their sick member during his or her stay in hospital, a personal aide (PA) temporarily hired by the family become an important substitute to carry out care work in hospital. Under pressure of cost control of nursing staff costs in many hospitals of Taiwan, PAs-as an important group of outsourced workers, mostly women-are also considered by hospital management as complements of the manpower and a means to reduce nursing cost of the organization. Most PAs work in hospitals, where they often expose to various health risks. However, because most PAs are outsourced workers and work without fixed employers, hospitals’ occupational health and safety provisions for their staff are often not equally applied. PAs’ work conditions and safety and health status might impact greatly on quality of care, but the society has paid little attention to these issues. In this study, we aimed to investigate work conditions and occupational health problems among female hospital PAs, and to understand the factors underlying the social production of PA’s work conditions as well as safety and health problems, including the government’s health care policies, labor legislations, power relationships at worksite, and hospitals’ management policies. In this study, multiple qualitative methods were adopted, including policy analysis, participant observation in health worker training places, and in-depth interviews with 19 PAs and 12 managing staffs, including 5 head nurses, 5 managers from brokering companys, and 2 union leaders. Study results are divided into four parts. In part one, I discussed how these women’s job choices were restricted by traditional social roles of women as care provides, and by discrimination against middle-aged and eldly women from labor market. Due to their relatively disadvantaged socioeconomic status, PA becomes one of their limited job choices in labor market. In part two, I revealed how PAs’ work was closely supervised by multiple players, including the patients, their families, nurses, and managers from brokering companies. Besides, they had to compete for work with undocumented foreign workers. Most of the female PAs were disadvantaged in power structure of worksite and often felt deeply powerless at work. In part three, I explored how PAs’ marginal status was reinforced by organizational policies, government policies on health care, and labor-related policies. The work of PA was regulated by policies from multiple sectors, but their role in hospital remained ambiguous. Many hospitals took advantage of such an ambiguous labor force and treated PAs as as a means to share nurses’ workloads and reduce personnel cost. In part four, I explained how PAs’ work and health conditions were formed in a social milieu. Because PAs were not covered by the Labor Standard Act, they lacked basic labor protections, such as long working hours, no regular times of rest, and separation from family and social life were commonly cited. Being flexibly employed and lacking in collective power, these PAs had difficulties in resisting unsafe work conditions and were highly individualized and burdened with high risks of musculoskeletal discomforts, infectious diseases, and psychological distress from interpersonal conflicts. Findings of this research highlight the disadvantageous work and health conditions among this group of workers. Structural controlling mechanisms restrict their collective power to fight for their rights to work. Health policies and regulations should not unilaterally request these health care workers to provide high quality of care without any support; policy makers should address occupational health issues of PAs, not only to protect their work and health rights, but also to safeguard the quality of health care.


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