  • 學位論文


The Soundtracks of Western Music in Modern Taiwan: On Taiwan Concert Life in the Japanese Era

指導教授 : 沈冬


日本時代作為臺灣西洋音樂的奠基發展期,其時空下的西洋音樂發聲狀況除了學校及教會以外,一直是默然未知。為了瞭解日本時代下臺灣的聲響空間到底裝進了什麼樣的西洋音樂,筆者將觀察場域轉至日本時代音樂會活動,透過其間所呈現的音樂奏演曲目、籌辦單位、演出人員、聽眾反應、社會評論等音樂會活動資訊,來探討日本時代臺灣西洋音樂聲響及文化空間的發展過程,即西洋音樂被如何展演、傳播與接受的歷史。 以西洋音樂發聲的脈絡發展而言,日本時代初期西洋音樂已透過慈善音樂會、鐵道旅館奏樂及新公園音樂堂音樂會引入臺灣,並在之後由各級學校、地方音樂組織及地方教化組織推行傳習開來。到了1930年代,由於唱盤此物質媒介引入更多類型之西洋音樂,因此使得西洋音樂更豐富且廣泛地傳播開來。雖然日本時代末期西洋音樂受戰事影響未繼續成長,但由於其社會功能符合時局所需,因此整體活動頻率仍甚活躍。 透過這段西洋音樂發聲脈絡的爬梳,可以瞭解「西洋音樂」並非一固定概念,如初期人們從器樂認知西洋音樂,到之後從音樂內涵認知西洋音樂;而藉由報章雜誌所透露的音樂聆聽經驗,可以發現聽眾的聆賞方式也有所轉化,如初期著重視覺感官,到之後培養出聽覺鑑賞態度。除此之外,西洋音樂於近代臺灣的社會形象,由於受到官貴華麗及知性等展演場域的包裝、日洋臺籍音樂家名氣的投射,及洋樂活動文明教化性質的設定,西洋音樂因此被賦予「高尚」、「藝術」、「進步」等價值,而成為臺灣日本時代蔚為上流之音樂種類。


Japanese era is the foundation period of Western Music in Taiwan; however, the practices of Western Music during this period are still unexposed except those in school and church. To learn how Western Music are performed in Taiwan during Japanese era, this thesis plays main observation on the concert life. By analyzing the concert programs, sponsors and organizers, performers, audiences, and criticisms in newspapers and journals, this thesis shall study the constructing process of the sound of Western Music and its context in Taiwan Japanese era; that is, the history of how Western Music be performed, transferred, and accepted in Taiwan during Japanese era. About the soundtrack of Western Music in Taiwan Japanese era, it had been developed in three types of concert: the benefit concert, the New Park Musical Hall concert, and the Railway concert. Later it was promoted by another three types of concert: the school concert, the local organization concert, and the civilized institution concert. In 1930s, the soundtrack of Western Music became wider and more abundant due to the introductions of western record music. Despite such development didn’t go any further in war time, the practices of Western Music were still animating by dint of its social and political functions in late Japanese era. In this constructing process, the concept of Western Music was unfixed. First people learnt it from the form of Western Music instruments, but later they learnt the aesthetics of Western Music. Moreover, the music appreciation of audience was also changed. They first focused on the visual experiences, but later they started to develop the receptiveness of listening. In discuss the social value of Western Music in Modern Taiwan, such as “high class”, “art”, “progressive”, etc., they were passed on Western Music through the spectacular and intellectual aura, famous foreign musicians, and civilized properties of Western Music activities, thus made Western Music become a type of fashion music in Taiwan Japanese era.




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