  • 學位論文


Study on Variations of Growth, Grain Appearance, Amylose and Srorage Proteins of Wild Rice in Taiwan

指導教授 : 盧虎生


本研究之目的為探討台灣野生稻之農藝生育性狀及遺傳的變異性。試驗所用台灣野生稻材料,取自農試所現存活體保存之野生稻種原圃,在成功繁殖之48個品系中,由其外表型態可區分為三種不同株型,其中第Ⅰ種株型佔了39個品系為最多,第Ⅱ、第Ⅲ種則各為5及4個品系。第Ⅰ及第Ⅲ種株型較相近,分蘗散開、相對於地面夾角角度較小,外表型態最明顯的不同在於葉鞘的顏色,第Ⅰ種株型之葉鞘呈紫棕色,第Ⅲ種株型之葉鞘則與葉片相同,皆屬淡綠色;第Ⅱ種則分蘗簇集、相對於地面夾角角度較大,與一般栽培種較相近。 台灣野生稻皆較一般栽培種(台農67號101天,台中在來1號100天)晚抽穗,其抽穗日期介於插秧後121~139天,平均為132天。三種台灣野生稻型態在株高、分蘗數與葉數等農藝生育性狀之表現,以第Ⅲ型之生長勢較大。穗數、稔實率、每穗粒數及榖粒重等四個產量性狀之表現,以稔實率的變異程度最大,其餘依次為每穗粒數、穗數與榖粒重。 以台灣大學農藝系建立之水稻品種DNA指紋分析技術,利用OSR4等10個SSR引子對,分析48個台灣野生稻品系、9個台灣栽培種及7個自IRRI引進的野生稻,總共獲得38個多型性條帶,每個引子對皆能擴增出清晰的多型性條帶,擴增出的多型性條帶數介於2~6條之間,平均為3.8條,分子量介於100~400bp之間。根據多型性條帶出現的結果,進行分群分析,可明顯區分出6群,其中高雄139號及越光各成一群;栽培種台秈2號、台中秈10號、台中在來1號及W49A (Oryza rufipogen)成一群;W25、W16A (Oryza punctata)及W30A (Oryza punctata)為一群;W4A (Oryza latifolia)、W11A、W22A及W37A (Oryza officinalis)成一群;其餘包括台農67號、台稉5號、台稉9號、高雄145號及其他台灣野生稻自成一群。 由本試驗結果顯示,台灣野生稻乃一異質性相當高的族群,族群中出現類似稉型稻的個體,係族群後裔分離的現象,亦或因天然雜交、稉型基因流入的現象,則有待進一步的証實。 一般認為世界上水稻種植面積最廣、最重要的栽培種Oryza sativa L.是由Oryza rufipogon演化而來。Oryza rufipogon也是栽培種改良的重要遺傳資源。由於人類文明的發展與都市化的作用,越來越多的野生種逐漸失去生存的環境而滅絕。台灣野生稻最早於桃園、新竹一帶被發現,也曾有學者做過初步的研究,但因上述原因,如今已瀕臨絕種,惟對其許多的性狀至今仍未有系統性的研究。 本研究針對台灣野生稻之穀粒外觀性狀、直鏈澱粉、粗蛋白質含量及貯藏性蛋白質進行一系列的研究,並利用蛋白質電泳技術,探討台灣野生稻穀粒外觀性狀與品質特性,期能建立台灣野生稻族群的基本資料,以為吾人研究與利用之參考。 穀粒外觀性狀上,台灣野生稻族群內穀粒稃色已由原來的灰黑色,進而有淡黃色的個體產生,其粒型則呈現接近秈稻的長粒型。此可能由於野生稻族群與共存之栽培種產生天然雜交,引入栽培稻的穀粒性狀。 穀粒化學性質方面,台灣野生稻直鏈澱粉含量介於12.3~28.4%之間,族群內具有相當大的變異;粗蛋白質含量介於9.64~16.64%之間,是高蛋白質水稻品種育種之良好種原。進一步由貯藏性蛋白質的單向及雙向電永分析分析結果發現,台灣野生稻族群具有較高量之glutelins及prolamines,但是其globulins及albumins含量較栽培稻低。由電泳的圖譜型式顯示,台灣野生稻族群具有與栽培稻不同的穀粒蛋白質體表現。又在台灣野生稻族群內貯藏性蛋白質之表現,也有多型性存在。綜合分析結果推測,台灣野生稻族群在穀粒性狀上是一異質性的族群,此點值得作為未來此族群之保存及育種上應用之參考。


The objectives of this study were investigated the variations of agronomic traits, developmental progress, and genotype makeup in Taiwan wild rice. The materials were collected from germplasm nursery of Taiwan Agriculture and Research Institute. All of the 48 tested survival lines could be divided to three different plant types by appearance phenotype. Type Ⅰ was similar to Type Ⅲ except the color of leaf sheath. Type Ⅰ had purple brown sheath and Type Ⅲ showed pale green sheath, and they had a smaller angle between tillers and ground. The phenotype of Type Ⅱ was similar to that of culture varieties and angle between tillers and ground was near 90 degree. The color of leaf and leaf sheath of type Ⅱ lines were green. The heading day of wild rice in Taiwan was longer than that of culture varieties. Average days from transplant to heading of wild rice in Taiwan was 132. Among the three types, Type Ⅲ had the stronger growth vigor in the traits of plant height, tiller number per plant and leaf number of main stem. The variation of spikelet fertility was the largest among the components of yield. A total of 10 DNA simple sequence repeat (SSR) primer pairs were selected to detect genotype polymorphisms among 48 Taiwan wild rice lines, 9 culture varieties, and 7 wild rice accession lines from IRRI. Ten SSR primers amplified a total of 38 polymorphic bands. The average number of alleles per SSR locus was 3.8 with a range 2 to 6. UPGMA cluster analysis proposed that the 64 rice materials could be divided into 6 groups. Although almost all of Taiwan wild rice lines were clustered into the same group, considerable DNA polymorphism was found among these lines. The present results revealed that Taiwan wild rice may be a high heterogenous population with respect to agronomic traits and genetic background. This population also showed some Japonica-like traits, suggesting introgression might occur during long period of coexistence with other cultivars. Most of modern crop cultivars are domestication from their wild ancestors. Oryza sativa L., the most widely cultivated and important rice species in the world is recognized to be evolved from Oryza rufipogon. And Oryza rufipogon is also an important genetic resource for the breeding improvement of the present rice cultivars. Because of the civilization and urbanization, more and more wild species have gradually lost their habitats and have been becoming extinct. In Taiwan wild rice species was first discovered around Taoyuan and Shinchu areas, but because of the reasons mentioned above, they have become endangered species. So far, only limited scientists had done preliminary researches on Taiwan wild rice, and very few knowledge about the agronomic and quality traits of Taiwan wild rice have been documented. This study was aimed to make serial investigations on morphological characteristics, amylose content, crude-protein content, and storage protein of grains of Taiwan wild rice. In addition, protein electrophoresis based proteomic approach was utilized to study the expression specialty of storage proteins in the wild rice. In grain morphological traits, different grain colors from gray black to light yellow were found within wild rice population. The long grain shape of Taiwan wild rice was found to be closed to that of modern Indica type cultivars. The modern cultivar-like grain morphological traits appeared within Taiwan rice population might be due to the high cross-pollination rate of the wild rice and the long coexistence between the wild rice and modern cultivars in the field. In grain chemical properties, apparent variations in amylase, crude protein content, and storage protein contents were found in Taiwan wild rice population. Amylose contents of Taiwan wild rice lines were ranged between 12.3% and 28.4%. Crude protein content varied between 9.64% and 16.64%. The low amylase and high protein contents suggest that Taiwan wild rice are prominent breeding resources for the improvement of protein or amylase content of modern rice cultivars. Regarding expressions of grain storage proteins revealed by 1D and 2D electrophoresis, Taiwan wild rice accumulated higher amount of glutelins and prolamines than modern cultivars. Expression patterns of urea soluble proteins on 1D gel, mainly glutelins and prolamins, were closer to that of modern cultivars. Differential expressions of some proteins were observed within the wild rice population. In addition, profiles of 2D gels showed polymorphism in the expressions of glutelins and prolamines within the wild rice population. The present results suggest that Taiwan wild rice is a heterogeneous population which may harbor a certain number of traits/genes from cultivars. Results of the current study may offer valuable information for both maintenance and utilization of Taiwan wild rice.


Kiang YT, J Antonovics, L Wu (1979) The extinction of wild rice (Oryza perennis formosana) in Taiwan. J. Asian Ecol. 1:1-9.
Tsai KH (1999) Wild rice plants of Taiwan. PGR Newsletter of ROC. 4:6-7.


