  • 期刊


Antecedents and Consequences of the Adoption and Expansion of New Medical Technology in Hospitals




醫療科技 引進 擴張 效率


Objectives: The purposes of this study are to examine the effects of organizational and environmental factors on the adoption and expansion of new medical technology in hospitals and to examine the effects the adoption and expansion of new medical technology on hospitals’ performance. Methods: We analyzed a panel of hospitals in Taiwan between 1994 and 2002 and used the secondary data from the governmental archive. Negative binomial regression with the random effects model is used to examine the effects of organizational and environmental factors on the adoption or expansion of new medical technology. In addition, the random effects general regression model is used to examine the effects of the adoption and expansion of new medical technology on organizational efficiency. Results: Regression models showed that private hospitals, sizes, the number of specialties, and medical technology utilizations had positive impacts on the adoption and expansion of new medical technology, and the numbers of medical technology categories had a negative effect. However, increases in the adoption and expansion of new medical technology had a negative impact on organizational efficiency under controlling the categories of medical technology. Conclusions: Our study suggests that organizational factors are key determinants of the adoption and expansion of new medical technology, and that the greater the survival pressure (e.g., private hospitals), diversity of medical demand and the more capabilities and experience of the hospital (e.g., large size, more numbers of specialties, and high utility) the greater the likelihood the hospital will adopt and expand new medical technology. Further, we suggest that over-adoption and over-expansion of new medical technologies will reduce medical technology utilization unless the categories of medical technologies were also considered.


medical technology adoption expansion efficiency


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