  • 期刊


Attitudes and Its Influential Factors of Taiwanese People towards Artificial Intelligence




This research analyzed the 2019 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 7, Year 5): Technology and Risk Society to explore: (1) To what degree do Taiwanese people accept artificial intelligence (AI)? (2) Are attitudes towards AI varied among people with different gender, age, education, and occupations? (3) Are attitudes towards AI influenced by individuals' scientific intelligence? (4) Do attitudes towards AI affect opinions about organizations responsible for risk of AI? Analyses showed that, most Taiwanese people agree that AI is beneficial to society, that the technology may come with risks, and that their knowledge about AI is limited. Those who were among younger generations, with higher education, and richer knowledge and experiences on science and technology tend to have an opinion of "ambivalence" to AI. Those who were among older generations, with lower education, and with poorer knowledge and experiences on science and technology tend to hold an opinion of "ignorant worry" towards AI, which reflect the digital divide in Taiwan society.


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