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Evaluating the Health and Social Care Competences of Nursing Students Using Skills Competition


背景:護理學生畢業後將進入各健康照顧職場中直接照顧個案,需具備良好的照護能力方能提供高品質的照顧。勞動部所舉辦的技能競賽係依照國際標準規劃,該標準為全球對健康照顧者角色能力的共識與期待,護理教育工作者需了解學生於技能競賽過程所展現的健康照顧能力。目的:本研究分析技能競賽中參賽者的技能表現,從中探討在國際標準下,護理學生健康照顧能力的優缺點。方法:採回溯性研究,透過擬真情境的客觀結構式臨床技能測驗競賽收集資料,並以描述性統計分析資料。結果:整體健康照顧能力得分為67.9 ± 12.9分,居家照顧類得分最低(65.1 ± 14.1)。六項健康照顧能力中最應該加強的兩項能力是「問題解決及創新能力」(53.7 ± 3.9)及「評值個案照顧」(55.9 ± 4.0),而其中「洗手五時機」(42.7%)及「能引發個案願意討論或解決自我健康問題之意願」(43.1%)二項指標的得分最低。結論/實務應用:本研究發現護生之技能表現為中等程度,護理教師可參考本研究結果發展能力導向的教學與評量策略,以提升護生健康照顧能力。


Background: After graduation, new nurses provide care directly to clients in the health and social care sectors. Nurses with higher levels of health and social care competences have been shown to provide better quality of care. The skills competitions organized and held by the Ministry of Labor follow international standards and address the general roles and functions of care providers worldwide. Using the results of these skills competitions to confirm the health and social care competences of nursing students important for nursing education. Purpose: This study was designed to assess the performance of nursing students in the skills competition and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of these students with regard to related competences in the context of current global standards. Methods: This was a retrospective research study. Data were collected from the results of skills competitions using the Scenario-based Objective Structured Clinical Examination method. Descriptive statistics were used to analysis the data. Results: The mean score for health and social care competence was (67.9 ± 12.9). The score for the home care dimension (65.1 ± 14.1) was the lowest dimension score. The most two improved of the six competence dimensions were problem solving/innovation and creativity (53.7 ± 3.9) and evaluating response to care (55.9 ± 4.0). The lowest health and social care item scores were practicing the five moments of hand hygiene (42.7%) and encouraging patient to discuss health problems (43.1%). Conclusion/Implications for Practice: The results showed that the competence level of the students was moderate. Nursing educators should develop appropriate education approaches for teaching and evaluation and improve the health and social care competences of nursing students.


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