  • 期刊


Self-Preparation and Professional Development of Nurses: Psychiatric Mental Health Care Issues




Today's mental health care needs are diverse. After the COVID-19 pandemic, factors related to individuals, the environment, and their interactions represent complex and cumulative risks. Physical and mental health problems rely on early detection, trust building, care engagement, and disease identification to provide complete psychiatric assessment, management, and continuum of care for affected people. Thus, early detection and intervention in nursing is beneficial for the discovery and treatment of psychological symptoms. However, the nursing profession is divided into multiple specialties, and the current education system lacks integrated interdisciplinary psychiatric mental healthcare training. In this article, the multifaceted aspects of mental health care services and interdisciplinary nursing professional development in mental health are explored, covering the roles and tasks of interdisciplinary nurses, the function and purpose of psychological care in hospitals, reflections on the role of school nursing in adolescent mental health issues, and novel developments in domestic and international psychiatric mental health care. It is hoped that this article can promote reflections on psychological health issues for nurses and help promote cross-disciplinary consensus on nursing strategies to facilitate cooperation among multidisciplinary nurses to promote more comprehensive quality of care, social participation, and professional innovation.


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