  • 期刊


The Legal Risks Faced in Nursing and Smart Healthcare




智慧醫療 遠距醫療 法律 護理


Smart healthcare and telemedicine are shortening the gap in the quality of medical and healthcare available to urban and rural communities and allowing care to be provided free of space and time limitations. The COVID-19 pandemic has hastened the general adoption of telemedicine as a protocol in hospitals and healthcare and led to a rapid paradigm shift from medical expertise to telemedicine eHealth. Because nurses play a significant role as members of interdisciplinary teams, we are expected to quickly adapt to and use artificial intelligence and other new technology innovations. This article elucidates the intellectual-property-right-related responsibilities and obligations of nurses and attendant legal risks in the context of smart medical research, clinical care standards, information laws and rules, and related policymaking. In addition, the legal issues related to telemedicine are discussed and analyzed.


smart healthcare eHealth telemedicine law nursing


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