  • 期刊


Evidence-Based Nursing Care of Older Adult Patient With Postoperative Delirium and Hip Fracture




老年 髖骨骨折 瞻妄 實證護理


Hip fracture commonly occurs in adult patients over 65 years old at a prevalence rate that is estimated to be 756 per 100 thousand cases. Thus, hip fracture surgery is one of the most common emergency operations in older adult populations. In addition, the incidence rate in older adults of post-operative delirium, which leads to symptoms of disturbance related to cognition, attention, perception, logic, memory, psychological activities, mood, and sleep, has been reported as 5%-61%. The many possible complications of post-operative delirium, including death, increase medical costs and family burdens if not managed properly. Proper management involves healthcare providers initiating early assessments, reducing accelerated factors, and providing appropriate care. As diagnosing and differentiating post-operative delirium in clinical practice is difficult, this condition is easily neglected by healthcare teams, resulting in adequate care not being provided to this population. The aim of this paper was to review the definition, relevant physiological and pathological mechanisms and etiologies, and medical management and nursing care of post-operative delirium using an evidence-based literature review. Suggestions for healthcare providers to improve the detection and management of post-operative delirium include using appropriate evaluation tools to detect and diagnose high-risk patients as early as possible, implementing older-adult life planning strategies, and conducting medical consultations. Furthermore, healthcare providers may initiate pain control, nutrient and body fluid supplementation, and sensory/cognition enhancement therapies to reduce the incidence of delirium, length of hospital stay, complications, and in-hospital mortality, thereby improving the quality of care provided to older adult patients with hip fractures and their caregivers.


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