  • 期刊


A systematic review of randomized controlled trials to investigate the effects and training strategies of lumbar stabilization training for patients with chronic low back pain




Chronic low back pain is a common health problem. This disease has been shown to be associated with core muscle weakness and usually accompanied by instability of the lumbar spine. Therefore, core stabilization exercises have been recommended for this population by sports medicine professionals. Although there have been published systematic reviews of stabilization exercises for chronic low back pain, these articles only describe the benefits and does not summarize the strategy of lumbar stabilization training. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to use a systematic review method to explore the effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises and detailed strategies of lumbar spine stabilization training programs for chronic low back pain. It is hoped that this article can provide a reference for sports medicine professionals to formulate rehabilitation plans, and help patients reduce pain and improve the quality of daily life.


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