  • 期刊


A Literature Review about the Researches Related Awareness, Treatment Models and Preventive Programs for Diabetes


糖尿病威脅國人健康嚴重,其死因排行從民國70年的第12位,逐漸躍升至民國76年的第5位, 並維持至今。自胰島素發明,開啟糖尿病治療新境界後,至今雖已70餘年,糖尿病對人類健康的危者卻隨著人口老化及生活型態改變而逐年增加期間對此相關議題的研究眾多,多有顯著性的成果。然綜觀台灣地區探討糖尿病防治之健康行為與教育介入之相關研究較少建議未來應積極建立本土性、長期性之健康狀態與健康行為資料及發展有效之糖尿病防治衛生教育介入模式。為瞭解近年來 台灣地區重要之糖尿病防治計畫的設計、執行、困難及成效等之相關研究本文獻探討研究藉由電 腦網站、Medline查詢之方式收集糖尿病防治之相關報告及文獻並透過政府機關、學術機關、基金會與各類學術性刊物之蒐尋,進行糖尿病防治文獻之彙整期能作為政府規劃未來糖尿病防治政 策、計畫及資源之參考。


Diabetes poses a serious threat to the health of the people of Taiwan. It ranked number twelve as the leading cause of death in 1981, gradually increasing to, number five in 1987 and holding steady at this position through 2003. With the discovery of insulin, a new beginning in the treatment of diabetes was born. Although over 70 years have passed since its discovery, diabetes still poses a serious health threat as an older population emerges and changes in the standard of living occur. During this period, numerous studies on related topics have yielded significant results. However, relatively little research on the prevention of diabetes and related studies has been conducted in Taiwan. It is suggested that in the future, l active and localized approach is needed which focuses on long-term health conditions and information bout healthy behavior practices to develop a model for effective diabetes prevention. This review describes he important diabetes preventive measures that have been introduced in Taiwan in the past few years, their implementation, the difficulties faced and overall results. Related diabetes preventive measure reports will be collected, going through government agencies, scientific organizations, foundations and related literature searches .0 proceed with diabetes preventive measures document ;classification in the hopes of becoming a resource for :he development of diabetes prevention policy and program development. (Full text in Chinese)


