  • 期刊


Stress and Health: Pathophysiological Reactivity




Stress is a phenomenon of undoubted health importance, which is often ignored in the practice of conventional medicine. This article reviews current understanding of the physiological response to normal stress, and the pathological reaction to an excessive allostatic load. Fight or flight response is a defense reaction which is initiated for survival in conditions of acute stress. However, chronic or excessive physiological activation leads to pathological consequences. The most common stress-related somatic symptoms are insomnia, muscle stiffness or pain, malaise, headache, dizziness, chest pain, palpitation, dyspnea, dryness of mouth or eyes, sore throat, abdominal gas or pain etc; as well as psychiatric symptoms including poor memory or concentration, and depression/anxiety disorder. Biological and epidemiological studies have shown that some diseases, such as diabetes, syndrome X, coronary artery disease and immune disorder are strongly associated with allostatic load. There is co-morbidity as well as interaction between stress-related illnesses and other types of disease. The prevalence of stress-related health problems is quite high in medical care. Current strategies to intervene in unexplained medical illness are mostly palliative and often do not address the underlying stresses that play a role in their development. While management of stress-related illnesses or diseases may prevent pathological progression, if stress is a causal or predisposing factor to the illness, then medical control may not enough resolve the problems resulting from accumulating deterioration due to excessive allostatic load. To provide patients with comprehensive and efficient treatment, physicians must incorporate knowledge of stress-realted health problems and the bio-psycho-social underpinnings of disease into daily practice.


廖芳芸(2009)。慢性疲勞工作者的壓力心理生理反應: 控制源與知覺控制性的影響〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200900830
