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Effect of Different Temperature, Humidity and Broiler Manure Composition on Maggot Growth Performance and Quality of Maggot Meal



本試驗旨在探討,在不同之溫度與濕度環境下與雞糞中添加蛋液與飼料,對蠅蛆生長之影響。溫度養殖試驗結果顯示,1日齡蠅蛆在30˚C有最佳體軀長度與重量;2日齡時35˚C有最佳體軀長度,重量則無顯著差異;3日齡時30˚C與35˚C有最佳體軀長度與重量;濕度處理試驗分為50%、70%及90%;溫度在1日齡之前為30˚C,之後轉為35˚C;濕度養殖試驗結果顯示,濕度於90%時,蠅蛆會有最佳的生長表現。雞糞的養分調整試驗分別為:未添加組、1%蛋液組、2%蛋液組、1%飼料組、1%蛋液與1%飼料組及2%蛋液與1%飼料組作為處理分組。結果顯示,在生長方面,有添加養分組在蠅蛆體軀長皆較對照組者佳;而在蠅蛆體寬則無影響;在蠅蛆總重方面則僅1%蛋液與1%飼料組顯著高於對照組,其餘組別間皆無顯著差異,同時發現蛋液與飼料之間對蠅蛆生長並無交感效應的影響;最後比較對照組、1%蛋液飼養組及1%飼料飼養組之蛆粉的營養成分發現,蛋液添加組有較高的乾物質含量94.71%與粗蛋白質含量59.39%,同時所含之粗脂肪為24.54%,顯著低於其他組別,而所含之灰分4.85%,顯著低於對照組;而對照組之粗蛋白質含量則是最低為51.4%,而其粗脂肪與灰分含量都較高,分別為33.99%與6.07%,此外,其銅含量特別高,每克43.1 ppm。綜合上述,雞糞內容物所含的營養分組成會顯著影響到蠅蛆的生長性能,因此,飼料掉落對雞糞養殖蠅蛆,應有決定性影響。


家蠅 雞糞 蛆粉


The trial was focus on influence of different temperature and humidity and broilers manure with egg fluid and feedstuff to maggots growth and composition of maggot meal. The treatments of temperature trial indicated that the day-old maggots have the best length growth and total weight gain at 30˚C; 2 days-old has the best body length growth at 35˚C, but no significant different on weight gain; 3 days-old maggots have best body length growth and weight gain at 30˚C and 35˚C. The treatments of temperature trial were 50%, 70% and 90%; temperature were stabilized at 30˚C on the first day, then adjust to 35˚C after maggots grew to day-old; this trial revealed in the best maggots growth at 90% humidity. The broilers manure were treated by: no additive, 1% egg fluid, 2% egg fluid, 1% feedstuff, 1% egg fluid with 1% feedstuff and 2% egg fluid with 1% feedstuff. For the growth performance, maggots grew better in manure with additives than none; but no influence on body width; In total weights, only 1% egg fluid with 1% feedstuff group are higher than control significantly, the rest make no difference to control group. In the same time, no interaction between egg fluid and feedstuff was detected to maggots. Finally, the experiment compared the proximate composition of maggot meal made from no additive, 1% egg fluid and 1% feedstuff broilers manure maggots breeding group. Egg fluid group has higher dry matter 94.71% and higher crude protein 59.39%. Also, it contains 24.54% which was ether extract significantly lower than other treatments. And lower ash 4.85% than control group; furthermore, control group has the lowest 51.4% crude protein containment. Nevertheless there were higher ether extract and ash content in the control group, which has 33.99 and 6.07%. Also, it has high content of heavy metal copper, which are 43.1 ppm. In summary, the nutrient composition of broilers manure will significantly affect the growth of maggot and quality of maggot meal. Consequently, broilers manure with feedstuff drop in during feeding might has the best effect to maggot rearing.


Musca domestica manure maggot meal
