  • 期刊


The Relationship between Family Structure and Adolescents' Social Adjustment in Taipei City


家庭是學童成長的最重要的場所,在家庭中的生活的經驗對青少年學童的行為、情緒與認知發展的模塑影響甚鉅。然而,近年來由於人口轉型、或由於社會現代化,台灣的家庭正面臨激劇的變動,其中最引人注目的莫過於單親家庭的出現與成長。一旦家庭中發生父母死亡或離婚的危機事件,學童立即感受到家庭系統失去平衡,產生心理困擾和危機意識感。目前有關家庭結構與學童生活適應之間的關係之實證研究顯示,生活於單親家庭的學童之個人和社會適應皆不若雙親家庭兒童的表現,然而其他的實證研究結果則指出,單親家庭結構本身並非導致學童生活不良適應的直接因素,而是潛存在於此類家庭結構型態中不利的親子與同儕關係連結、社經地位、社區資源等因素所致,影響其情緒發展、課業表現、行為適應、人際關係和自我概念等生活層面出現適應不良的情形。上述的實證研究多以探討變項與變項間的相關分析(correlational analysis)取向來檢視家庭結構和學童生活適應間的直接關係,而家庭結構究竟是透過何種動態機制影響學童生活適應的歷程似乎並無明確的答案。本研究的目的即在檢視家庭結構影響學童生活適應的機制動力,以釐清影響學童生活適應歷程的動力因素。本研究根據叢集隨機抽樣方法取得695份國中小學童的調查資料樣本,再基於統計分析的考量加上64個額外抽樣(oversampling)的單親家庭,共計取得總樣本759份調查資料。本研究的成果,期望可以提供政府與相關單位制定相關社會福利政策與兒童輔導實務的參考。


For children, family life experience is significantly related to their physical, psychological, and cognitive development. However, parental obscene, as a result of divorce, death, or unwedded, has become a more common incidence happened in family than before for the past twenty years in Taiwan. Children in single parent families are reported to experience more troubles and difficulties in social adjustment process than children in two parent families. Past studies indicated that family structure change was detrimental to children development in terms of unfavorable social adjustment. But other studies pointed out that disadvantaged conditions implied in single parent families, such as low parental support, less time spent together, few social resources, and lack of peer relationship, contributed more to the poor performance in social adjustment. The study intends to examine what mechanism accounts more for the unfavorable social adjustment among children in early adolescent period. Based on cluster random sampling, a class interview using a structured questionnaire was conducted to collect related data from school children between 10 and 14 in Taipei City. Considering the biased estimation on extremely smaller sample of single parent familiar, 64 oversamples from agencies were added to the sample. As a total, 759 children were sampled for statistical analysis. Results indicated that social adjustment process was related to multiple dimensions of school children's life. And, parental abs cense had differentiated effects on children's life, depending on what dimension of adjustment referred to. Overall, the effect of parental absence only works on social aspect of children's adjustment, but not other dimensions. Children's adjustment was accounted for more by the social bonds and economic resources interweave in familial and school settings. Lastly, implications for family, school, and welfare policy are included.


