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The Educational Need of Nurses in Operating Room to Prevent Sharp Injury


避免護理人員受尖銳物傷害是手術室管理的重要課題,尤其目前經由血液感染的疾病有劇增的趨勢,使手術室護理人員處於高危險的環境。本研究目的爲了解手術室護理人員受尖銳物傷害之狀况、發生過程、及發生時自身與工作環境的狀態,以供在職教育的根據。研究對象爲一所醫學中心手術室曾受尖銳物傷害之護理人員,共64位,佔該單位之83.1%(64/77),而非所屬科別受傷之比率為所屬科別之4.3倍。研究工具爲自擬之結構及半結構問卷,經專家內容效度測試,而每位個案約20分鐘自填問卷,以描述性統計分析。本研究結果:發生次數方面,39.1%(25/64)個案為五次以上;時間方面,62.5%(40/64)曾於最近一年內發生。傷害的發生,以人次計,經複選發現總傷害事件中,傷害物之類別,31.3%為縫針造成;部位方面,57.7%為手指受傷。傷害發生的過程,以醫師傳回器械時傷到最多,占32.8%。傷害發生當時的情境:個案自身方面,62.0%為個案身心狀況與平時相同;57.5%為處於對該手術工作非常熟悉;此外,病患病情方面:49.4%認為當時該手術病患之病情處於正常穩定狀況。本研究結果認為受傷多發生在正常操作及無預警的狀況,所以有必要建立手術室護理工作模式,及具全面性感染預防(universal precaution)的觀念。此外,手術團隊之各成員需加强繼續教育,幷重視自身及工作夥伴的安全。


尖銳物傷害 手術室


The purpose of this study was to understand the status of operating room nurses who suffer injuries from sharp instruments. The study was conducted in a 1500-bed medical center. The subjects were operating room nurses who had suffered injury from a sharp implement. The survey instrument included structured and semi-structured questionnaires, and was tested by content validity. The questionnaires were self-administrated and took 20minutes to complete. The quantitative data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, and mean, while the qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The results showed that 89.1% of subjects had suffered from more than two sharp injuries. More importantly, 39.1% of subjects had experienced more than five sharp injuries. Sixty-two point five percent of subjects had been injured in the year preceding the survey. Mechanisms of injuries included suture needle (31.3%) and instruments being returned by doctors (32.8%). 57.5% of subjects' fingers were injured. Most (62.0%) of subjects were in an average psychophysical state at the time of injury, and 57.5% were familiar with the surgery that was being performed. The results suggest that the standards of operating room procedures must be modified. Also, medical education is needed to stress consideration of others during surgery.


sharp injury operating room


