  • 期刊


A Study of Service Quality, Satisfaction and Touring Behavior Intention of Kaohsiung Amphibious Vehicle


台灣近年來觀光旅遊產業興盛,外來旅客人數激增。臺灣社會的進步與經濟 的成長,引領國人轉變生活型態,國人休閒時間亦因此增加,著重生活休閒品質。高雄市從1999年提出的「海洋首都」概念延伸到2011年的佈局「亞洲新灣區」,運用自身擁有良好的港埠區位及海域自然資源,發展全國獨具的「高雄水陸觀光車-鴨子船」,車身經美麗彩繪變身為小鴨,讓遊客置身其中彷彿讓鴨媽媽帶領融入高雄獨特的幸福城市氛圍,並開創高雄水域觀光新的商機。本研究鎖定高雄「高雄水陸觀光車-鴨子船」搭乘旅客,針對鴨子船提供的服務品質、旅客的滿意度與行為意圖做一研究,期能提供相關建議予營運單位參考。本研究以高雄水陸觀光車-鴨子船乘客為研究對象,採問卷調查方式進行研究,於2015年7月間,共計發放263份問卷,實際有效樣本為244份,有效率達93%。另進一步以敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸分析等方式進行資料分析,研究結果發現:一、旅客個人變項在服務品質、滿意度及行為意圖上皆存在部份顯著差異。二、高雄水陸觀光車-鴨子船之服務品質對遊客滿意度具有顯著影響。三、高雄水陸觀光車-鴨子船之遊客滿意度對重遊意願具有顯著影響。


As a pioneer to import a amphibious sightseeing bus, it has been transformed into beautifully-colored incarnation with unique prow of the duck. During navigation, it seems like a ducking playing in frolic with its little webs on the road or the water. Kaohsiung Amphibious Vehicle leads you to experience the happiness and the passion of Kaohsiung city! This study was done through questionnaires, which were circulated and surveyed in the customer of Kaohsiung Amphibious Vehicle. The total numbers of the questionnaires dispatched are 263, and the effective samples collected are 244 in return. The effective sampling rate has reached 93%. Further analyses have been used, such as factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and analysis of variance(ANOVA) to verify the assumption based on the collected data. The result of this study has demonstrated the following: 1. Personal different personal backgrounds have made marked differences towards Service Quality. 2. Personal different personal backgrounds have made marked differences towards Satisfaction. 3. Personal different personal backgrounds have made marked differences towards Touring Behavior Intention. 4. The Service Quality has a significant impact on the passenger’s Satisfaction. 5. The passenger’s Satisfaction has a significant impact on the Touring Behavior Intention.


