  • 期刊


Taiwan Sport and Exercise Psychology Research Review: Social Network Analysis of Theme Topics and Age Trends




Sport and Exercise Psychology research has gradually gained attention in the public eyes in Taiwan and has become an indispensable professional field to promote athlete achievement or mass sports quality. This study aims to review 121 data on sports psychology-related topics which were contained 115 academic papers in the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI), and 6 doctoral dissertations, exploring the relationship between the focus of past research topics and discussing trends and changes in research themes across generations through rigorous social network analysis methods. The study found that: (1)"Sportsmanship/Moral Development" and "Modeling/Observational Learning" are the research topics that are less discussed in Taiwan. The other nine research themes can be divided into three categories: a) "Competition/Achievement Orientation" and "Multidisciplinary Approaches to Psychological Issues"; "Self-Perceptions", "Emotion/Arousal/Anxiety", "Physical Activity Adoption, Maintenance, and Adherence"; b) "Gender Role", "Attitude/Motivation", "Social Development/Significant Others", "Measurement Development and Validation". Among which "self-cognition" is the key role of the most developmental potential context, and the frequency of integration with other research topics is also the highest. (2) In the decade after 2006, the development of Taiwan's sports psychology is the most diverse, and after 2016, it becomes an in-depth study of several research topics. In the time interval 1 (1993-2000), the most critical research topic is "Attitude/Motivation". In time interval 2(2001-2005), the most critical research topic are "Self-Perceptions", "Attitude/Motivation". In time interval 3(2006-2010), the most critical research topics are "Self-Perceptions"," Multidisciplinary Approaches to Psychological Issues", "Emotion/Arousal/Anxiety", "Social Development/Significant Others", "Gender Role", "Attitude/Motivation". In time interval 4(2011- 2015), the most critical research topics are "Self-perceptions", "Attitude/Motivation", "Multidisciplinary Approaches to Psychological Issues", "Emotion/Arousal/Anxiety", "Social Development/Significant Others". At last, "Self-Perceptions" is the most critical research topic in time interval 5(2016-2018).


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