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Physical exercise as a means of increasing resistance to the nervous-emotional stress of universities students

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journal contribution
posted on 2012-10-18, 10:08 authored by Igor KhimichIgor Khimich




Authors Khimich I.J.
National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI"
Victory boulevard 37, Kiev-56, 03056, Ukraine
Abstract Modern researches of change of level physical activity of young people and its influence are considered on stability to nervously-emotional to tension in the process of teaching of students in higher educational establishments of Ukraine and post-Soviet states. In an experiment participated 380 students of 1 and 2 courses. To the students it was suggested to answer the questions of questionnaire. It is set that to entering higher educational establishment: 40% students got busy no more than two times by motive activity; 30% students in general did not spare time physical education; 23% freshmen spared time physical education more than two one time per a week; 7% regularly go in for sports and participate in competitions. It is set that influence of subjective and objective reasons on duration of employments promotes the level of deficit of motive activity of student young people physical education.
Key words students; emotional; tension; physical; activity; physical education;
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First page 123
Last page 127
Volume 6
Year 2012
doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.96603
Title of Journal Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov=Physical Education of Students
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