Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: of Ostkpr1 functions in anther cuticle development and pollen wall formation in rice

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posted on 2019-03-18, 05:00 authored by Dawei Xu, Shuying Qu, Matthew Tucker, Dabing Zhang, Wanqi Liang, Jianxin Shi
Figure S1. Phenotypic comparison between WT and ostkpr1 T-DNA insertion mutant. a Plants after bolting. b Spikeltes after removal of the lemma and palea. c WT pollen grains stained with 2% I2-KI solution. d Stage 13 pollen grains of ostkpr1 stained with 2% I2-KI solution showing no pollen grains. e-j SEM observation for the WT (e, g, i) and ostkpr1 (f, h, j) anthers and pollens. e, f The epidermal surface of WT (e) and ostkpr1 (f) anthers. g, h SEM observation for the WT (g) and ostkpr1 (h) pollen grains. i, j The enlarged view of the surface of WT (i) and ostkpr1 pollen grains. Bars = 1 mm in b, 200 μm in c, d, 10 μm in e, f, 20 μm in g, h and 5 μm in i, j. (JPG 993 kb)


China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
