Neetu.mp4 (60.69 MB)

HERStory Makers 2022: Neetu

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posted on 2023-10-30, 17:18 authored by Neetu ., Kirsty RossKirsty Ross

Neetu is a postdoctoral research associate at the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies studying theoretical high-energy physics. She took part in HERStory Makers 2022.

What is HERStory Makers?

HERStory Makers is a social media competition for female-identifying early career researchers to share their research, their career journeys, and to inspire the next generation. Winners are selected by public vote. HERStory Makers is also part of EXPLORATHON, Scotland's contribution to European Researchers' Night.

In 2022-23, EXPLORATHON was supported by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council [grant number EP/X020894/1].

Author contributions to content

Neetu conceived, planned, and recorded the video content. Kirsty Ross edited the video content to insert HERStory Maker credits, add subtitles, and maintain video length below Twitter/X limit of 2 mins and 20 secs, prior to scheduling the social media posts.


Explorathon 2022-2023-European Researchers' Night Scotland

UK Research and Innovation

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