Sharing ASL data online FAIRly with CARE the ASL way – MoLo and O5S5 projects – Julie A. Hochgesang.pdf (3.19 MB)

Sharing ASL data online FAIRly with CARE the ASL way - MoLo and O5S5 projects

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Version 3 2023-10-24, 17:41
Version 2 2023-10-03, 15:17
Version 1 2023-09-28, 16:45
posted on 2023-10-24, 17:41 authored by Julie HochgesangJulie Hochgesang

Cornell ASL Lecture Series - September 28, 2023

Sharing ASL data online FAIRly with CARE the ASL way - MoLo and O5S5 projects


As a deaf linguist in North America, my recent work has been the documentation of the language use of the ASL communities in North America. In my presentation, I discuss how language documenters share their data publicly, drawing upon Austin Principles of Data Citation, FAIR and CARE guidelines and practices specific to signed language researchers. I also present findings from a recent survey we did with the ASL communities about sharing ASL data online.

I focus on two current documentation projects - “Motivated Look at Indicating Verbs in ASL (MoLo)” and “Documenting the experiences of the ASL communities in the time of COVID-19 (O5S5)” which I am working on sharing as open access. While I describe the projects and showcase some of the data, I specifically highlight the data statements I am creating for both of them and reflect on what it means to publicly share ASL videos online.

The presentation was created using mmhmm which allowed Julie to show slide content in her own screen as she presented over Zoom. This didn't allow for her to share slide notes afterwards so instead she created a webpage with the slide content - the PDF is available here but some graphics are missing. The web version is here:


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