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Additional file 1 of Contributions of early-life cognitive reserve and late-life leisure activity to successful and pathological cognitive aging

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-11-02, 07:49 authored by Yiru Yang, Yaojing Chen, Caishui Yang, Kewei Chen, Xin Li, Zhanjun Zhang
Additional file 1: Table S1. Intergroup differences in demographics, health conditions, and living habits. Table S2. Intergroup differences in detailed items of leisure activities. Table S3. Results of the relative importance of influencing factors to each cognitive domain in the full sample (N = 1347). Table S4. Estimated direct and indirect effects of the grouped sample (N = 583) SEM with ECR, LLA, and four cognitive domains as latent factors. Table S5. Estimated direct and indirect effects of the grouped sample (N = 583) SEM with ECR, LLA, and general cognitive function as latent factors. Table S6. Estimated direct and indirect effects of the full sample (N = 1347) SEM with ECR, LLA, and four cognitive domains as latent factors. Table S7. Estimated direct and indirect effects of the full sample (N = 1347) SEM with ECR, LLA, and general cognitive function as latent factors. Table S8. Estimated direct and indirect effects of the multi-group SEM with ECR, LLA, and general cognitive function as latent factors. Figure S1. Structural equation models that reveal relationships among ECR, LLA, and cognitive performance in the full sample (N = 1347).


National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars Funds for International Cooperation and Exchange of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Major Projects State Key Program of National Natural Science of China
