CIECA_2022_HuertasLeyva_Unifi_figshare_v1.pdf (280.64 kB)

Emergency braking training for motorcyclists: instructors’ preferences and new technologies application in a perception-action task

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Version 2 2022-10-27, 10:58
Version 1 2022-10-27, 09:07
conference contribution
posted on 2022-10-27, 10:58 authored by Pedro Huertas-LeyvaPedro Huertas-Leyva, Niccolò Baldanzini, Marco Pierini

This paper was presented on the 54th CIECA Congress a congress entitled "Driver training and testing: finding the balance between mobility and safety through the use of innovative technology, improved curricula and data analysis" held in Naples, Italy June 7th through 10th in the year 2022.


MOTOrcycle Rider Integrated SafeTy

European Commission

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