DBF_infile.F90 (8.84 kB)


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posted on 2021-11-10, 12:37 authored by Yuanqing WuYuanqing Wu

From the experience of fluid simulations, it is learnt that all kinds of simulations in reality include many common operations that can be abstracted to form a general framework to simulate fluids. These operations include the discretization of equations and variables, the computation of the coefficients, the assembly of the linear or nonlinear systems, the solving of the systems, etc. Furthermore, all of the operations can be attributed to the operations on the field that is an abstract concept derived from the equations and variables. Thus, the fluid simulations can be done under a field-based general framework. Moreover, considering the need of large-scale fluid simulations, parallelism is integrated into the framework. Due to the convenience of the field operations, parallelization of the framework can be realized on both levels of OpenMP and MPI. In other words, by meanings of field, a series of operations in fluid simulations can be simplified and unified. However, few literatures have ever noticed this advantage, and therefore this work attempted to fill the niche. With the help of the field-based general framework, it is anticipated that the parallel codes of fluid simulations can be generated easily and quickly. As an application of the general framework, a parallel 3D simulator for matrix acidization called Masor is developed. The simulation results are demonstrated physically reasonable by a lot of works, which verifies the correctness and effectiveness of the general framework. In addition, it is observed that the parallel performance of Masor is decided by the solver.


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