Springer Nature
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Additional file 2 of Kojic acid repurposing as a pancreatic lipase inhibitor and the optimization of its production from a local Aspergillus oryzae soil isolate

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posted on 2020-10-03, 03:33 authored by Sarah Mohamed El-Korany, Omneya Mohamed Helmy, Ali Mahmoud El-Halawany, Yasser El-Mohammadi Ragab, Hamdallah Hafez Zedan
Additional file 2: Figure S2. AspsarO microscopical characters where: a) Wet mount showing AspsarO conidia head under Olympus microscope at 40X magnification. Conidia heads are radiate spherical to globose. b) Conidia spores of AspsarO under Olympus microscope at 40X magnification. Conidia spores are round to oval, and arranged in chains.
