Springer Nature
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Additional file 10 of Comparative population genomics reveals genetic divergence and selection in lotus, Nelumbo nucifera

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posted on 2020-02-12, 04:41 authored by Ye Li, Feng-Lin Zhu, Xing-Wen Zheng, Man-Li Hu, Chen Dong, Ying Diao, You-Wei Wang, Ke-Qiang Xie, Zhong-Li Hu
Additional file 10: Figure S5. Morphology of the three lotus accessions based on multiple traits. Flower lotus accession F04 (A and B) exhibits both attractive flowers and many seeds per seedpod. Rhizome lotus accession R05 (C) exhibits both large rhizomes and many carpels per receptacle. Flower lotus accession F05 (D) exhibits both attractive flowers and swollen rhizomes. Bar indicates 10 cm.


Technology Innovation Project of Hubei Province of China (Major Program)
